
International Competition & Industry Safety
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  • 国际竞争与产业安全
    WANG Lu ning;HONG Li
    . 2009, 2(2): 117-119.
    Along with the economic globalization and international trade development, the green trade barriers (GTBs) have become a major character of international trade protectionism in recent years. As one of the traditional export products with comparative advantages, the Chinese agricultural products bear the brunt of GTBs. The concept of GTB is defined firstly, and then the manifestations of it are analyzed. In conjunction with the actual situations of GTBs that Chinese agricultural products have encountered, the impacts are analyzed, the internal reasons are discussed, and the countermeasures of breaking through GTBs are explored.
  • 国际竞争与产业安全
    ZHAO Hui-e;WANG Da-chao;GUO Hong-yuan;LU ping
    . 2008, 1(4): 332-334.

    This paper aims to analyze the technical barriers to trade facing the agricultural exports of Liaoning Province and corresponding countermeasures. Adopting empirical study and normative research, this paper gives a study in depth on the influence of the technical barriers to trade on Liaoning agricultural products in export. The conclusion is that Liaoning Province should make a positive advance in adopting measures that improve the quality of agricultural products, adjust the export structure, change the mode of foreign trade expansion, set up and improve earlywarning mechanism and develop overseas investment.

  • 国际竞争与产业安全
    JIANG Yong-hong
    . 2008, 1(4): 341-344.

    The new trade barriers whose core is technical barriers are one of the tools of trade protectionism, which seriously violates the free trade principle of World Trade Organization. More and more export enterprises in Liaoning Province are perplexed by new trade barriers and have become victims of them. In order to help the enterprises to overcome the new trade barriers, a basic judgment is made about the impact of the new trade barriers on exports of Liaoning. The positive and negative effects is carried out of new trade barriers to the exports of Liaoning Province. Result of analysis indicates that the negative effects of new trade barriers on the exports of Liaoning Province becomes more extensive. It is suggested that Liaoning Province should establish a sound and complete information mechanism and statistical platform. Based on these two mechanisms, the governments, trade associations, enterprises and research institutions should establish a quartet mechanism to deal with new trade barriers.

  • 国际竞争与产业安全
    WANG Lu-ning
    . 2008, 1(4): 345-348.

    The impact of the EU regime of nonmarket economy status on China are mainly embodied in the field of litigation of antidumping. According to the provisions of the EU antidumping law, nonmarket economy countries apply “the analogue country system”, “the one country, one antidumping duty system” and “the individual judge system”. Towards these systems which have impacts on Chinese reaction to the antidumping, several appropriate strategies are proposed for responding to these systems for Chinese enterprises to take, which include improving enterprise management system, reducing governmental intervention and strengthening government management and service.

  • 国际竞争与产业安全
    QIU Ai lian;YUAN Feng
    . 2009, 2(2): 120-124.
    In the context that service trade has become a new domain of international trade competition and China has become a formal member of WTO, Liaoning Province must comply with the rapidly developing tendency of international service trade, and greatly develop service trade to promote competitive power of it. The concept and characteristics of service trade are analyzed, and concept and forms of service trade barriers are described. The opening and protection status of service trade under service trade barriers are discussed based on the strengths and weakness analysis of it. Countermeasures are proposed from the perspective of macro-economy and micro-economy respectively to develop competitive power of service trade under the framework of General Agreement on Trade in Services. Coordination between protection and opening can effectively promote healthy development of service trade in Liaoning Province.
  • 国际竞争与产业安全
    LI De-jun;FENG Mei-ying
    . 2009, 2(1): 46-49.
    During the course of further opening up, multinational corporations have brought about some negative effects to the economy of China, especially threaten to the economic security, which increasingly arouses the concerns of scholars. Under this background, this paper firstly defines the meaning of national economic security, and studied the new trends of multinational corporations in China, including research on how the trends influence the economic security of China. Some suggestions and proposals are given to prevent the negative effects caused by the multinational corporations.
  • 国际竞争与产业安全
    WANG Zhen-hua;WANG Lu-ning
    . 2008, 1(4): 328-331.

    The strategic issues of Chinese enterprises dealing with the U. S. antitrust litigation are a huge system research engineering. The theme of “research on counter strategies of Chinese enterprises to U. S. antitrust litigations” is proposed regarding the dilemma between that lowpriced exports will be sanctioned by antidumping actions and that highpriced exports may be sued by antitrust litigation. In order for the enterprises of export production and forein trade to be highly alert and to pay great attention to proactively safeguard the economic security, detailed analysises on the defending strategies are carried out to the U. S. antitrust litigation through the discussion of several cases.

  • 国际竞争与产业安全
    CAO Ying-jie
    . 2010, 3(1): 24-27.
    With economic globalization and international trade development, China suffers more and more severe international trade friction. Under such a situation, to enforce “goingout” development strategy is of great significance. Based on the analysis of international trade friction conditions and the significance, status quo and problems of Chinese enterprises “going out” development, countermeasures are put forward from several aspects in order to counter international trade friction and implement “going out” strategy, such as building perfect legal system under the framework of WTO rules, overcoming the stumbles of “non-market economy status”, establishing international investment trade service mechanism and strengthening the cultivating of professional management talents, enhancing the international competitiveness of enterprises rapidly, and actively responding to international trade friction cases and acting proactively.
  • 国际竞争与产业安全
    SUN Xiao-fang
    . 2009, 2(3): 203-207.
    In recent years, with the development of global economic situation and the change of nonmarket economy status of China, the countervailing measures have become a new hot spot of trade friction. Through analyzing the changing situation in international trade under global financial crisis, the significance is stressed concerning the study of countervailing measures. The similarities and differences between antidumping and countervailing measures are summarized in the context of the evolution of WTO framework of subsidies and countervailing. Countermeasures are proposed on the basis of analyzing the subsidy situation in China.
  • 国际竞争与产业安全
    WANG Zhen-hua
    . 2010, 3(2): 112-116.
    Under the status quo of international financial crisis continuing and economic crisis spreading, trade protectionism directly boosts economic nationalism, which is driving the global economic crisis to abysm. Countries pursue it can only get enmeshed in a web of their own spinning. Trade protectionism can only protect the industries and their laggard producing relations temporarily, which are unable to adjust permanently or severely lack international competitiveness. It is only a way of “more thoroughly using the old market, but to make crisis prevention approaches fewer and fewer”. Developed countries wantonly abusing trade protection measures have completely violated the quasi-judicial rules of World Trade Organization on economic globalization and free trade, which is seriously blocking the development process of economic globalization and free trade, and is the inevitable reflection which capitalism social system cannot avoid.
  • 国际竞争与产业安全
    YUAN Hui;LV Zong-yuan;NING Kai
    . 2009, 2(1): 50-53.
    Blue barrier to Trade is one of the newly emerged non tariff barriers, which has an enormous effect on international trade. Nevertheless, the enterprises in Liaoning Province have not paid enough attention to the content of SA8000. Based on the study of theory of blue barrier to trade, this paper discusses how it influences the export trade of Liaoning Province. The blue barriers have increased the difficulties of market access to developed countries and weakened the competitive advantages of export of Liaoning Province. Therefore, Liaoning Province should reinforce propaganda and establish uniform examination and certification organization, encourage oversea investments of export enterprises, develope processing trade actively, and develop comparative advantage and persist in sustainable development.
  • 国际竞争与产业安全
    . 2008, 1(3): 205-208.


  • 国际竞争与产业安全
    DONG Yun-lai;ZHAO Hui-e;WANG Da-chao
    . 2008, 1(4): 335-340.

    China's agriculture has been facing the competition of higher subsidy coming from developed countries for a long time. According to the recent domestic and foreign research literatures, this paper reviewed the research evolvement and content of agricultural support and agricultural subsidy. After analysis, this paper finds that there are great differences between China and developed countries on gross and intensity of agricultural subsidy. At the same time, as far as international experience reference is concerned, there is none of domestic research on Indian agricultural subsidy which is extremely similar to China. This needs to be given great effort and attention in the future research.

  • 国际竞争与产业安全
    SHI Xue;XING Hua;LI Xiu-juan
    . 2009, 2(1): 59-61.
    This article analyses the causes and the impacts of trade barriers in order to take preventive measures and reduce the negative effect of trade barriers, which bases on the current status of trade barriers and the morjor types of trade barriers that export from Liaoning Province has suffered. Combining the trade industy economic security of China, some preventive count ermeasures and effective solutions for the government, industry and corporations are proposed respectively to prevent or to cope with trade barriers.
  • 国际竞争与产业安全
    SUN Jian-li;HOU Rong-na
    . 2010, 3(1): 20-23.
    Import and export trade is an important factor to promote the rapid economic growth in Liaoning Province. Due to the financial crisis, the world economic situation is still very variable in 2009—2010. The external environment for the development of import and export trade in Liaoning Province is severe. It is difficult to predict how long the crisis will last and when the influence will end on the world economy. Despite the recent sign of the slowdown of recession of the world economy, the basis of global economic recovery is not yet solid. The downturn situation of international market demands is still going on, which has great influences on import and export trade in Liaoning Province, while the difficulty of keeping import and export trade growth is increasing, too. This article analyzes the impact of current world economic adjustment on import and export trade in Liaoning Province, and makes corresponding countermeasures.
  • 国际竞争与产业安全
    JIANG Guo-qing;ZHUANG Ming-xing
    . 2011, 4(2): 112-115.
    The development of economic globalization and trade liberalization has gradually weakened the influence of tariff barrier and traditional nontariff barriers. Technical barrier to trade (TBT) is more and more widely adopted by developed countries, which hampers international trade in a certain extent. As the main export products of China, mechanical and electronic products become one of the most serious products that influenced by TBT measures. The gravity model is applied to test the influence of TBT on export of mechanical and electronic products in China. According to the test result, the reasons are found and countermeasures are proposed.
  • 国际竞争与产业安全
    WANG Zhen hua;WANG Lu ning
    . 2009, 2(2): 112-116.
    Capital competition is the general trend of current world development. All countries in the world, including China, include its arrangements of stability and “going out” of the development of domestic small and medium enterprises (SMEs) into an important strategic agenda of the development of national economic security. The continuation of the current international financial crisis, the spread of economic crisis, and the antidumping damages and tortures have seriously endangered the survival and development of SMEs in China. But the sufficient researches and utilizations of foreign investment statutes and policies, and the implementation of developing strategy of integrating SMEs’ capital to “going out” to target countries of investment are objective opportunities of further development of SMEs in China. To exploring the succeeding way of foster Chinese multinational corporations by “going out” development actively, and to stimulating the economic security and rapid development of related domestic industries synchronously are the core purpose of “going out” development.
  • 国际竞争与产业安全
    LI Jia-wei
    . 2009, 2(3): 208-212.
    Just at the end of the TextileSpecific Safeguard Measure (Article 242) which China committed at WTO accession, this paper describes the emergence and evolution of the legal system of SinoUS textiles trade from the perspective of historical analysis, and analyzes the legal constraints of the United States on imports of China’s textiles completely and concretely. Based on it, some proposals are put forward especially on some legal issues which could bring SinoUS textiles trade frictions in the future, such as Transitional ProductSpecific Safeguard Mechanism, the US Article 421, and the technical barriers to textiles trade, etc. in hope that China’s textiles export enterprises can face these trade frictions leisurely.
  • 国际竞争与产业安全
    . 2008, 1(2): 121-124.


  • 国际竞争与产业安全
    JIANG Yan
    . 2010, 3(2): 117-122.
    Since entering WTO, China has time and again faced anti-dumping lawsuits brought by European and American developed countries, which often accompanied by “non-market economy” surveys. Through analyzing the “non-market economy”, the “non-market economy” standards established by America, European and other countries are understood, and the influences are discussed of “non-market economy status” on participation of China in international competition. On analyzing the adverse factors of Chinese enterprises responding to anti-dumping investigations, experiences and lessons are summarized and countermeasures are brought forward. At last, trains of thoughts on strengthening the construction of market economy system of Chinese export enterprises are proposed according to related international legal standards.
  • 国际竞争与产业安全
    . 2008, 1(1): 17-20.

    针对世贸组织规则制度设计的缺陷、欧盟的贸易保护主义和我国企业在外贸出口策略方面的欠缺,分析了我国出口贸易产品频繁遭遇欧盟反倾销的一般原因,提出了应对欧盟反倾销的策略。即:我国应积极参与 WTO规则的制定;在生产经营中应强化自律,增强产品的竞争力;当反倾销之诉不可避免时,企业要积极应诉;积极帮助企业应对欧盟的反倾销之诉。

  • 国际竞争与产业安全
    . 2008, 1(1): 21-23.


  • 国际竞争与产业安全
    . 2008, 1(3): 218-220.


  • 国际竞争与产业安全
    . 2008, 1(3): 209-212.


  • 国际竞争与产业安全
    WANG Zhen-hua;CAO Ying-jie
    . 2010, 3(1): 14-19.
    The “goingout” strategy (direct investment abroad) is a new strategy of continued opening up in China. With the continuation and spread of the current international financial crisis, economic crisis and the rampant trend of trade protectionism, especially under the circumstance of large number of Chinese enterprises being encountered lawsuits in international trade friction, it should urgently have been placed on a strategic agenda of China how to combat trade protection blockings and to implement "going out” development. 30 years of practice of reform and opening up has proved that only through “going out” investment development can Chinese economy integrate into the economic globalization, only by firmly implementing "going out” development strategy can Chinese achieve the great rejuvenation.
  • 国际竞争与产业安全
    YANG Chun;LI Qing;SHAO Ruo
    . 2011, 4(2): 108-111.
    Although the agricultural product export in Liaoning Province has a ascending trend, the cost of agricultural product export enterprises is increasing sharply that is influenced by the green trade barrier of other countries, which lead to the decline of the agricultural product export ratio in overall commodity export amount, the growth rate of agricultural product export, and the dominance index of growth rate of agricultural product export. Origins of the prodigious weakening of export competitiveness of agricultural product in Liaoning Province are the big disparity between quality of local and international standards, and the irrational market structure of export. Corresponding countermeasures are proposed to improve the export competitiveness of agricultural product, and to realize the long-term and sustainable development of agricultural product export in Liaoning Province.
  • 国际竞争与产业安全
    JIANG Yan
    . 2009, 2(4): 326-330.
    With the rapid development of Chinese economy, Chinese small and mediumsized enterprises have become the main force to enhance the economic connection between China and the world. The Central Committee of CPC and the State Council actively support the small and mediumsized enterprises to adopt the development strategy of goingout. But China is a newly emerging developing country without much experience, and it only takes part in international economic competition for a short time. Through the investigation on the subsidy and countervailing regime, the forms of subsidy and countervailing are compared at home and abroad. The laws and policies of “goingout” of small and mediumsized enterprises are studied thoroughly and strategies are put forward to cope with the problem of the foreign countervailing towards China so as to facilitate the implementation of “goingout” strategy of small and mediumsized enterprises.
  • 国际竞争与产业安全
    WANG Zhen-hua;JIANG Yan
    . 2009, 2(4): 318-320.
    China has formally joined in the WTO, which marks that Chinese economy has been further merged into the world economy, and put an end to the period of reliance on high tariffs and administrative measures to protect domestic industries. At the same time, it clearly brings forward a new topic of realize new development and improvement and sticking to international standards from the aspects of regulating the functions and effects of trade associations in international antidumping litigations according to laws, establishing and operating new work mechanism, and safeguarding the legitimate interests of export trade  enterprises and maintaining national economic security, etc.
  • 国际竞争与产业安全
    . 2008, 1(3): 213-217.


  • 国际竞争与产业安全
    CAO Ying-jie
    . 2010, 3(3): 215-218.
    Keeping economic security is a strategic theme that needs long term research after China’s accession to the WTO. Chinese paraffin and candle industry continues to face the ravelments of US anti-dumping, anti-circumvention investigations and EU anti-dumping investigations, whose economic security is facing serious challenges. Based on the status quo of Chinese paraffin and candle industry suffered from international trade frictions frequently, the influences on Chinese paraffin and candle industry are analyzed, and strategies of coping international trade frictions and keeping economic security of Chinese paraffin and candle industry are brought forward from 6 aspects.