
Information for Contributors


“Journal of Shenyang University of Technology (Social Science Edition)” is a comprehensive academic journal (bimonthly) concerned social science, which is authorized by National General Administration of Press and Publication, sponsored by Shenyang University of Technology, and published both home and abroad. The main columns of it are: Forum of Special Topics, Study of Development of Equipment Manufacturing Industry, International Competition and Industry Safety, Economic Theory and Application, Management and Practices, Democracy and Law, Study of Marxism Sinicization, Comparative Study of Culture, Academic Perspective of Social Issues, etc. The main publication of the journal is related to above contents, which are innovative, scientific and advanced.

1. Requirements

(1) The manuscript should be sent to editorial department through our website, the manuscript should be written according to "Paper Template".

(2) The manuscript should have high academic level and strong innovativeness.

(3) The manuscript should be written according to the order as title, authors and units, abstract, keywords, Chinese Library Classification, English parts, text and references.

(4) The title should be descriptive, not full sentence.

(5) Name, affiliation (institution) of the authors, city, zip code, country, E-mail address should be listed.

(6) The abstract of about 150-300 words must accompany each article on page one.

(7) The key words should include 3-6 pieces of words or phrases to serve as guidelines for indexing.

(8) The Chinese Library Classification should be selected from the "Chinese Library Classification"(4th Edition).

(9) The terms and units should be normalized and standardized.

(10) The figures should be produced with a good quality laser printer and have lines, letters, numbers and symbols of uniform strength and contrast.

(11) Tables should be drawn with three horizontal lines, at the top and bottom of the table and between the column headings and the table body.

(12) The conclusions should be accurate and concise.

(13) Only essential references (formally published journals, articles, monographs, dissertations, reports, proceedings, standards, patents, and/or electronic publications) cited in the text can be listed and must be numbered consecutively by Arabic numerals, which should be listed in the same order as cited in the text. There should be at least 10 references.

(14) The author brief introduction should include name, year of birth, gender, nation, native place, professional title, academic degree and research orientation.

(15) The manuscript sponsored by fund programs should mark the names and codes of the fund programs.

2. Attentions

(1) It is a condition of publication that manuscripts submitted to the journal have not been published and will not be simultaneously submitted or published elsewhere.

(2) The author signs for and accepts responsibility for releasing this material on behalf of any and all co-authors.

(3) The author should not send the manuscript to other periodicals without informing editorial department.

(4) The manuscripts are selected for publication according to the editorial assessment of their suitability and evaluation from independent reviewers. The editorial staff will edit accepted papers to improve accuracy and clarity and shorten, if necessary.

(5) All articles published in the journal are protected by copyright, which covers the exclusive rights to reproduce and distribute the article.

(6) When the article is accepted, we will charge fees from the author, and will also issue the formal invoice.

(7) When the article is published, we will pay remuneration to the author.

(8) The author can inquire the article situation through login "online article check" from our website.

Pubdate: 2016-07-19    Viewed: 4015