About Journal


Journal of Shenyang University of Technology (Social Science Edition)  (call Journal hereinafter) is a comprehensive academic journal (bimonthly) concerned social science, which is authorized by National General Administration of Press and Publication, sponsored by Shenyang University of Technology, and published both home and abroad. The tenet of it is: to take Marxism-Leninism, Mao Ze-dong Thoughts, Deng Xiao-ping Theory, “Three Represents” Theory, Scientific Outlook on Development and Xi Jinping's Socialist Thought with Chinese Characteristics in the New Era as guildance, to adhere the principle of linking theory with practice, to carry through the guildline of “let a hundred flowers bloom, a hundred schools contend”, to enhance the research and communication of social science, to promote the development of researches on social science, and to flourish the science and education undertakings in China.

Journal of Shenyang University of Technology (Social Science Edition) is started in Jan. 2008. Adhering the principle of quality first, it pays attention to researches on basic issues, hot topics, difficult problems and latest theoretical issues in various disciplines of social science.

The main columns of it are: Forum of Special Topics,  International Competition and Industry Safety, Economics and Management, Study of Development of Equipement Manufactoring Industry, Legal Theory and Practice, Study of Marxism Theory, etc.

The Journal is Chinese AMI Core Journal of Humanities & Social Sciences, RCCSE Chinese Core Academic Journal, "Most Popular Journal" of National Literature Center of Philosophy and Social Sciences, Chinese Excellent University Journal of Social Science, Chinese Excellent University Journal of Science, Engineering, Agriculture and Medicine, Chinese Excellent Journal of Editing and Collating, Liaoning First-grade Journals, Liaoning Excellent University Journal of Social Science. It is also included in international authoritative indexing systems, such as “Cambridge Science Abstracts” of USA, “Ulrich Global Serials Directory” of USA, “Index Copernicus” of Poland. The full text of the Journal is included in Chinese Core Journals (Selecting) Database, Chinese Academic Journals (CD), Chinese National Knowledge Infrastructure, Chinese Science and Technology Papers Online, Wanfang Database, China Database of Science and Technology Journals, Superstar Digital Library, Chinese Education Database and Bookan Net, etc. The Editorial Department and the Journal have won the titles of Advanced Collective of Chinese University Journals of Science and Technology (twice), Advanced Collective of Liaoning Journals of Science and Technology, Excellent Editorial Team of Chinese Journals of Social Science, Chinese Excellent University Journal of Social Science (twice), and Excellent Website of Chinese University Journals of Science and Technology (twice), etc.



The Journal is:

Chinese Core Journal of Humanities & Social Sciences (expanded)
RCCSE Chinese Core Academic Journal
"Most Popular Journal" of National Literature Center of Philosophy and Social Sciences

Chinese Excellent University Journal of Social Science

Chinese Excellent University Journal of Science, Engineering, Agriculture and Medicine

Chinese Excellent Journal of Editing and Collating

First-grade Journal of Liaoning Province

Liaoning Excellent University Journal of Social Science

Cambridge Science Abstracts” (CSA) of USA

Ulrich Global Serials Directory” (Ulrich) of USA

Index Copernicus” (IC) of Poland

Source journal of Chinese Core Journals (Selecting) Database

Chinese Academic Journals (CD) Full text

Chinese National Knowledge Infrastructure Full text

Chinese Science and Technology Papers Online Full text

Wanfang Data: Digital Journals Full text

Chinese Database of Scientific and Technological Journals Full text

Superstar Digital Library Full text

Bookan Net Full text

Yuanwenjian · Academic China Full text

Longyuan Journals Full text

ChangjiangWenku Full text

Pubdate: 2016-07-19    Viewed: 4507