Current Issue
2024 Volume 17 Issue 3
Published: 15 June 2024

Forum of Special Topics
Study of Rural Revitalization
Study of Marxism Theories
Economics and Management

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    Forum of Special Topics
  • Forum of Special Topics
    ZHANG Yubin, JING Linbo
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    Since the reform and opening up, academia has carried out extensive and in-depth research on Chen Yun's life and thought, and Chen Yun's economic thought has been the focus of research over the years, achieving rich research results. The development history is reviewed concerning the research on Chen Yun's economic thought, and the research on Chen Yun's economic thought is divided into five stages, namely, the genesis stage (1978—1986), the stable development stage (1987—1994), the comprehensive development stage (1995—2004), the upsurge stage (2005—2014), and the in-depth expansion stage (2015 to present). The core content and key research are refined of Chen Yun's economic thought, so as to provide basis for the in-depth development of related research on Chen Yun in the New Era.
  • Study of Rural Revitalization
  • Study of Rural Revitalization
    ZHAN Wang, LI Hanbing
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    Turning the rural migrant workers into citizens is pivotal in supporting the new urbanization and urban-rural integration, thereby fostering common prosperity, while their willingness to stay is the core for them to become citizens. It holds significant importance for the systematic formulation of population and urbanization policies in China to delineate the influencing factors of rural migrant workers' willingness to stay in cities, particularly to identify the core factors. Based on the 2017 China Migrants Dynamics Survey, Principal Component Analysis is used to construct an identity index spanning four dimensions. Subsequently, the Random Forest Algorithm is employed within a unified analytical framework of subject, object, and subject-object interaction, and the influencing factors are assessed of the rural migrant workers' willingness to stay and the subregional heterogeneity is analyzed. The baseline analysis reveals that the interaction-induced sense of indentity recognition between migrant worker subjects and the objects in the inflow areas is the core determinant of their willingness to stay, explaining 36.7% of the variance. Subjective characteristics such as ethnicity and marital status emerge as significant factors influencing rural migrant workers' willingness to stay, accounting for explanatory powers of 24.2% and 20.3% respectively. Moreover, object characteristics, namely the features of the inflow city, exert a moderate influence on rural migrant workers' willingness to stay, explaining 18.8% of the variance. Heterogeneity analysis uncovers that regional disparities in rural migrant workers' willingness to stay primarily stem from object characteristics, particularly the attributes of the inflow city, with greater similarities observed in the eastern and central regions, as well as in the western and northeastern regions. Based on these findings, targeted policy recommendations are provided in terms of focusing on the subject characteristics of migrant workers, optimizing the object characteristics of the inflow place, and then improving the subject-object interaction experience in order to enhance the sense of identity recognition.
  • Study of Rural Revitalization
    XU Jiawei, HAN Na, CUI Yangyang, LI Xue, LIU Menghu
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    Aging has become a common global problem, and the speed of China's aging is accelerating, while the solution of rural elderly care is even more urgent. Based on 202 questionnaires from 4 towns and 6 villages in Mengjin District, Luoyang City, Henan Province, a binary logistic regression model is used to construct a model for choosing rural elderly care mode with 15 indicators from 4 dimensions of basic characteristics, economic characteristics, psychological characteristics, and social support characteristics. The study shows that: among the basic characteristics, educational level, gender, marital status, living conditions, number of children, source of family income, monthly income, and stability have certain influences on the choice of elderly care mode; among the psychological characteristics, concerns about lack of care will affect the choice between institutional and mutual assistance elderly care; among the social support characteristics, satisfaction with social pension insurance subsidies will impact community-based home care. In the family elderly care model, gender and age have a significant positive effect on model selection, while education level and residence situation have a significant negative effect. In the institutional elderly care model, gender, age, education level, marriage, family income source, and monthly family income have a significant positive effect on model selection, while fear of abandonment and satisfaction with social pension insurance subsidies have a significant negative effect. In the case of the community elderly care model, education level, residence situation, number of children, daycare, fear of being left unattended, and satisfaction with social pension insurance subsidies have a significant positive effect on model choice, while the source of family income, age, and stability of income sources have a significant negative effect. In the mutual aid elderly care model, gender, marriage, living conditions, and concerns about being left unattended have a significant positive effect, while satisfaction with social pension insurance subsidies has a significant negative effect.
  • Study of Rural Revitalization
    XU Chunxiang, LIANG Shuna, WANG Zijun
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    The integrated development of urban and rural areas is the only way to comprehensively promote the revitalization of rural areas in Liaoning Province, an important breakthrough to promote the modernization of agriculture and rural areas in the province and achieve common prosperity, and an inevitable choice to narrow the gap between urban and rural development in the new era and solve the social contradiction of “unbalanced development of urban and rural areas and inadequate development of agriculture and rural areas” in the province. It is an important starting point for the high-quality implementation of the new breakthrough three-year action plan for Liaoning's comprehensive revitalization. The development context of the relationship is sorted out between urban and rural areas in China, and the basic connotation of urban and rural integration is put forward; from the aspects of rural living environment, the process of citizenization of agricultural migrant population, urban-rural development gap, the equalization of basic public services in urban and rural areas, the reform of rural land system, and the spirit of farmers, the results of urban-rural integration in Liaoning are demonstrated. It also points out the factors restricting the development of urban-rural integration in Liaoning from the aspects of balanced urban-rural development, improvement of rural infrastructure and quality of living environment, income and consumption gap between urban and rural residents, contradictions between doctors and patients, market-oriented reform of factors, efficiency gap between agriculture and other industries, regional differences in urban-rural integration, and the effect of “three rural” policy promotion. At the same time, from the aspects of urban and rural development concept, new urban-rural relations, improvement of rural living environment quality, rural industrial development model, rural land reform, rural regional development differences, factor market reform, county economy, “three rural” policy interpretation, the path of accelerating urban-rural integration and comprehensively promoting rural revitalization in Liaoning are proposed, aiming to provide a theoretical basis for achieving high-quality economic development.
  • Study of Marxism Theories
  • Study of Marxism Theories
    CHEN Xuefeng, GUO Ruru
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    The courage of self-revolution is the critical key to keep the advanced nature of the Communist Party of China (CPC) forever. Clarifying the internal logical of self-revolution of CPC is an important prerequisite for pushing the comprehensive strict governance of CPC to depth. It is very important to grasp the internal relations among theoretical logic, historical logic, realistic logic and developmental logic. The theory about proletarian revolution and construction by Marxist classical writers and the series of important dissertations about CPC construction by its leaders are the root vein basis of self-revolution of CPC. The practice course of CPC promoting self-construction in each stage of revolution, construction and reform form the development context of the self-revolution of CPC. The century-long changes of accelerated evolution of great changes not seen in a century, the practical challenges at the critical moment of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, and the governance difficulties unique to a big party are the keys to identifying the orientation of the self-revolution of CPC. The continuously promotion of theoretical guidance, the construction of a pattern of multiple collaborative participation, the perfection of a dynamic supervision system, the establishment of a scientific evaluation criteria, and the guidance of a great social revolution constitute the practical path of self-revolution of CPC.
  • Study of Marxism Theories
    ZHANG Tingting
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    An insurmountable ecological crisis is hidden in the contradiction between capitalist private ownership and production socialization. The historical nature of the bourgeoisie's unbounded pursuit of surplus value not only intensifies ecological destruction, but also drives its governance concept to narrow anthropocentrism and ecological imperialism. The concept of Community of Life for Man and Nature reconstructs the path of reconciliation between human and nature focused on the overall global interests and the broad vision of future development of human. It adheres to the ecological and natural concept of harmonious coexistence between human and nature, the ecological values of green and people-oriented development, the ecological methodology of key prevention and systematic governance, and the multilateralism and the principle of common but differentiated responsibilities, which provides China's wisdom and solutions for effectively resolving global ecological problems. In the New Era, it has great significance to build a Community of Life for Man and Nature by all countries together for building a new type of international relationship, reshaping the new values of sustainable development, and building a New Form of Human Civilization that is fair and reasonable, and cooperative and win-win.
  • Economics and Management
  • Economics and Management
    ZHU Ping
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    The report of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China once again emphasized the acceleration of the construction of New Development Pattern and focused on promoting high-quality development. To construct the New Development Pattern is a major policymaking of China based on the change of comparative advantage, a profound reform to adapt to the change of relationship of supply and demand, and a strategic plan based on the current and focused on the long-term. The key of the construction of New Development Pattern lies in the unimpeded economic circulation, but there are still some blockage points in the four links of production, distribution, circulation, and consumption of current national economy in China. To accelerate the construction of New Development Pattern with domestic circulation as the main body and domestic and international double circulation promoting each other, not only the strategic basis of expanding domestic demand should be adhered to, the strategic direction of supply side structural reform should be remained, the key blockages that restrict the economic cycle should be broken through, and a higher level of dynamic equilibrium between supply and demand should be formed, but also a new advantage for China to participate in international cooperation and competition with a high level of opening up should be created, the strategic initiative in open development should be won, and the realization of a mutually promoting domestic and international dual cycle should be promoted.
  • Economics and Management
    LI Yan, ZHOU Yuhong, SHAO Yongtong
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    Common prosperity is an essential requirement of socialism. Exploring the development of common prosperity and regional differences in China is of great significance in promoting high-quality development. Based on the theoretical analysis of common prosperity in the new development stage, a results-based common prosperity evaluation system is built from five dimensions:affluence and prosperity, spiritual self-reliance, livable and working environment, social harmony and amity, and universal and inclusive benefit of public services. China's common prosperity is measured through the entropy weight Topsis method. Moran's I index and Kernel density estimation are used to reveal the dynamic evolution of common prosperity in seven regions, and Dagum Gini coefficient is used to analyze regional differences and sources of common prosperity. The results show that: the overall level of common prosperity in China is steadily improving; there are differences in the five dimensions of development, and the weight of livable and working environment is great, but the development of it is slow; there are gradient distribution and spatial agglomeration among regions, there is a catch-up effect in Northwest and Central China, there is a lack of development impetus in South China, and the growth rate in Northeast China is relatively low and there is a growing trend of differences compared to other regions in the future; the coordination within the region is gradually increasing, while the coordinated development between regions still has great shortcomings.
  • Economics and Management
    ZHOU Xiaoye, DAI Sicong
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    Aiming at the vehicle routing problem of the mixed fleet of electric vehicles and fuel vehicles considering both pick-up and delivery and time of use electricity tariffs, a vehicle routing optimization model for fresh food distribution has been constructed with the objective of minimizing the sum of the fixed vehicle cost, driving cost, refrigeration cost, cargo damage cost, time window cost, carbon emission cost and charging cost, and a hybrid genetic simulated annealing algorithm integrating neighborhood search is designed for solution. The results show that compared with the separation of pickup and delivery, the simultaneous pickup and delivery mode can significantly improve the distribution efficiency and vehicle loading rate; properly increasing the battery capacity of electric vehicles through technical upgrading can weaken the dependence of vehicle routing schemes on charging facilities and effectively reduce distribution costs; by comparing with the running results of the genetic algorithm and hybrid genetic algorism-variable neighborhood search algorithm, the effectiveness of the algorithm is verified. References are provided for cold chain logistics enterprises to achieve energy conservation and emission reduction, cost reduction and efficiency increase in the distribution link.
  • Economics and Management
    SU Kai, LI Pengyu
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    The effects of government subsidy policies are explored on the profits of each and overall supply chain members in different mixed recycling modes. The Stackelberg game model is established. The changes in the profits of each members and overall supply chain members are compared and analyzed with different recycling modes. And the numerical simulation analysis is conducted. It is pointed out that increasing the amount of government subsidy can increase the profits of each recycling entity and the overall supply chain profits in the optimal recycling mode, and the optimal recycling model for the closed-loop supply chain is obtained. The countermeasures and suggestions are proposed, such as increasing subsidy amounts, enhancing publicity and education, improving subsidy mechanisms, and building industrial clusters, etc. Theoretical basis and reference are provided for decision-making on the recycling model of the closed-loop supply chain.
  • Economics and Management
    CHEN Jing, TANG Shuting
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    In order to alleviate the pressure of increasing of pension expenditure under the aging trend, the sustainable development of urban employee pension insurance system in China is focused, and the design of pension payment standards for delayed retirement is explored. The actuarial model of pension wealth is established, the actuarial factors Φ value and α value of 9 provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities of China are estimated from perspective of actuarial neutrality, and the influence of interest rate change on actuarial neutral adjustment coefficient α value is measured. The empirical results show that delaying retirement will increase the pension wealth of participants according to current pension payment mechanism in Beijing, Hainan, Henan and Heilongjiang. If the retirement system is reformed and the retirement age is delayed, the payment standard of pension benefits enjoyed by participants at different retirement ages can be set by referring to the value of α.
  • Economics and Management
    YU Chao, YANG Mengli
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    To meet the increasingly personalized travel needs of tourists, customized tourism has attracted more and more attention. Aiming at the problem of tourism product customization of small group tourists, a tourism product customization method is proposed based on tourist demand and online tourism product information. Online information is used to collect tourism product information and the travel needs of a small group of tourists are obtained; according to the tourism demand, the suitable products are preliminarily selected among the collected online tourism products, the degree of the selected tourism products to meet the needs of tourists and the utility value of the tourism products are calculated, and the tourism products with the highest utility value are selected as the initial tourism products; through the further selection or adjustment, the tourism product solutions can be obtained that can meet the satisfaction of tourists up to a certain threshold. The feasibility and practicality of the method are illustrated through examples. The purpose is to introduce a customized mode of tourism products that can meet the needs of tourists.