Publication Statement

Open Access Statement

Journal of Shenyang University of Technology (Social Sciences)  is an open access journal, and all articles can be read and downloaded for free by readers once published.

User rights

The Journal of Shenyang University of Technology (Social Sciences Edition) uses the Creative Commons license agreement, which allows third-party users to share articles published in this journal in a way that includes Attribution (BY) - Non Commercial Use (NC) - No Deduction (ND) (CC BY-NC-ND). This allows third parties to copy, distribute, exhibit, perform, show, broadcast, or disseminate articles published in this journal to the public through information networks. You must provide an appropriate attribution, provide a link to this license agreement, and indicate whether any modifications have been made to the original work. You may sign in any reasonable way, but may not imply in any way that the licensor endorses you or your use. This right is limited to non-commercial purposes only and cannot be used for creative performances. For more details, please visit .

Author rights

After the manuscript is accepted, the author needs to sign a Copyright Transfer Confirmation with the editorial department to transfer the copyright to the editorial department of the Journal of Shenyang University of Technology. Third parties and authors have the right to share and use their articles in accordance with the CC BY-NC-ND agreement.

Publishing expenses

To support open access publishing, this publication may charge an article publishing fee (APC) at its discretion, which needs to be paid by the author or their institution, funding projects, etc. The fee standard is RMB 500-2000 per article.

Confirmation of Copyright Transfer

Ethical Statement
It is important for everyone involved in academic research, paper writing and publication to maintain a good sense of ethics and practice ethics at all times. The journal adheres to the principle of upholding high standards of publishing ethics, and practices this commitment by providing transparent and standardized services, and providing correct advice when finding academic misconduct in authors’ articles. We have listed below some of the most important principles of publishing ethics for the reference of contributors. Please refer to the official website of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) ( and publishing moral standards stipulated by the European Association of Science Editors (EASE).
1. Author's Publishing Ethics
??It is the author’s obligation to show that the paper is the original research work (except for the review) and free of any falsification, deception or plagiarism. This paper should not involve state secrets, or any infringement related to intellectual property rights. The authors ensure that no more than one draft of the paper has been submitted, and its content has not been published in any other publications or media in any other language. The authors should ensure that no other publications will be submitted before receiving the rejection notice from the editorial department.
??The cited documents have been clearly marked with the citation source, and a list has been made in the way of reference. The organizations and individuals that provided scientific funding and consultation for the paper have been listed in the acknowledgements. Respect the editing opinions of reviewers and editors. Agree that after the manuscript is published, the exclusive licensing right and exclusive agency right of the paper will be granted to the editorial department.
The author must avoid the following academic misconduct:
(1) Multiple submissions of one draft:
The author is obliged to ensure the originality of the paper submitted, and confirm that it has never been published. Deliberately republishing a published paper is a serious violation of publishing ethics.
The most important principle is that papers should be original and not submitted to other journals at the same time. If the paper has been published in different forms (including different languages), or if similar papers have been published or translated, the author should explain it while submitting.
(2) Plagiarism:
Plagiarism is one of the most common violations of publishing ethics. It refers to the author’ deliberate and unauthorized use of other people’s works without the consent of the originator, without reference or acknowledgment. Forms of plagiarism involve direct reposting and rewriting of the work of others, including data, words, sentences, paragraphs, ideas and concepts. We do not allow any plagiarism.
(3) Coauthor/Author identity:
The identification of the authorship is to ensure that those who contributed to the study are recognized and that they are responsible for the study. Deliberately distorting the relationship between the researcher and the study is improper and undermines the credibility of the study results. The authors must obtain the authorization and consent of the co-authors before submitting the paper.
(4) Originality:
Authors should not re-submit published data as source materials, except when the author clearly informs and appropriately quotes.
(5) Research fraud:
Research fraud refers to the fact that data or conclusions are not obtained from experiments or research, but are falsified and tampered with by the author. Under no circumstances should researchers cheat.
2 Publishing Ethics of Peer-reviewed Experts
??To ensure scientific and accurate review of manuscripts, and make objective and fair evaluations. The content of the review shall be strictly confidential and the author's research results shall be respected. Avoid manuscripts with interests.
(1) Make use of their professional knowledge and ability to review the innovative, scientific and practical manuscripts. Put forward fair evaluation on whether the research method is appropriate, whether the scientific research design is reasonable, whether the results and conclusions are accurate, and whether there is any leakage, so as to help editors judge the choice of manuscripts. Put forward detailed revision suggestions for the problems existing to help the author improve the quality of the paper.
(2) The manuscripts reviewed shall only be evaluated academically, without personal evaluation or personal attack. The selection and rejection of the manuscripts shall not be affected by the race, sex, religion, belief, status, seniority and authority of the contributors, and their views shall be clearly stated with sufficient arguments and facts.
(3) Fill in the review comments on the manuscript on time, and feed back to the editorial department within the specified time. If it cannot be completed on time, please explain the situation and return the manuscript.
(4) Strictly keep the reviewed manuscripts confidential, do not circulate or discuss them to others, and do not use and publish the data, opinions and conclusions of the reviewed manuscripts. If you want to use them, you shall obtain the consent of the author.
(5) The reports and arguments clearly quoted in the preliminary research of the paper must clearly indicate the source. The reviewer shall confirm the published works not quoted by the author, explain the similarity or repetition between the submitted paper and the published papers and data to the author according to his knowledge and cognition.
(6) All comments and information shall be kept confidential and not be used for personal purposes. Reviewers shall not review papers with conflicts of interest arising from competition or cooperation with papers authors, units or enterprises.
3. Publishing Ethics of Editors
??Strictly implement relevant national laws and regulations, and abide by academic publishing ethics and norms. Handle all contributions in a timely and fair manner, respect the author's research results, and respect the opinions of reviewers. Keep the information of authors and reviewers confidential. Avoid accepting papers for human favors.
(1) Editors shall be responsible for all the editorial links of the journal, including continuously promoting the development of the journal and ensuring that the edited manuscripts are published on time with high quality. Editors shall abide by the policies formulated by the editorial board of the journal, as well as the relevant laws and regulations concerning defamation, infringement and plagiarism in selecting articles.
(2) Keep the authenticity of the review records, and have the obligation to keep confidential the materials in all links of review and modification. The editor and staff of the editorial department shall not disclose any information about the submitted paper to others except to provide necessary information to corresponding authors, reviewers and members of the editorial board as appropriate.
(3) The fair selection of manuscripts and the acceptance or rejection of articles can only be based on the originality, importance, clarity of the paper and whether it conforms to the purpose and scope of the journal.
(4) When there are major modifications in the edited paper, it is necessary to communicate with the author in a timely manner and obtain the author’s consent.
(5) Eliminate all commercial needs and interest exchange that are detrimental to academic ethics.
(6) The editor has the obligation to investigate and communicate academic misconduct. Once there is an academic ethical appeal for submitting a paper or publishing an article, the editor shall take effective measures. If necessary, corrections, clarifications, withdrawals or apologies should be released in a timely manner. Editors have the obligation to hold authors and reviewers accountable for misconduct.
(7) Editors should ensure that the information submitted by authors cannot be used for personal research or for research by others; they should ensure that the identities of reviewers and other editorial staff are protected during the blind review process.
(8) The editors shall encourage academic contention and have the obligation to reply to the authors' different views on the reviewers' opinions.
(9) Editors shall ensure that the review of papers is fair and reasonable. In case of conflict of interest or cooperative relationship with the authors, units and enterprises related to the paper due to competition and cooperation, the editor shall propose to replace the reviewer, and the chief editor or other editorial board members shall be responsible for the review of the paper.

Peer Review Statement

Peer Review Statement for Journal of Shenyang University of Technology (Social Sciences Edition)
The only criterion for judging the acceptability of an article in this journal is its quality, namely novelty and scientificity.

Preliminary review
Articles that are not within the scope of this publication's solicitation or have obvious defects will be rejected during the initial review stage by the editor.

External audit
The manuscript that has been preliminarily selected by the editor shall be reviewed by members of the editorial board and/or other experts in the field. The manuscript should be submitted for review by at least 2 experts in the field, and original research should be submitted for review by methodological experts. This publication implements double blind review, and neither the reviewer nor the author is aware of the other party's information.

Final review
The editor in chief ultimately decides whether the article can be published. For the articles to be hired, editors conduct academic misconduct testing on China National Knowledge Infrastructure and Wanfang Data Platform. If the repetition rate is less than 15%, the test will be passed, and if it is equal to or higher than 15%, it will be considered as academic misconduct. For articles with academic misconduct, the editorial department will handle the rejection process, and if the author experiences academic misconduct for the first time, the editorial department will issue a warning to the author; If the author commits another offense, they will be blacklisted for academic misconduct, and the editorial department will forever refuse to process their submissions.

Notice to Reviewers
Peer review can help improve the issues in the manuscript and improve the quality of the journal. The reviewer shall keep the information of the reviewed manuscript confidential.

If you believe there is a direct conflict of interest with the manuscript being reviewed, or if there is a conflict of interest with the author/affiliated institution, please notify the editorial department and abandon the review.

During the manuscript review process, please fill in complete information according to the requirements of the review form, keep revision marks in the reviewed manuscript, and upload it to the review system. This publication highly values the opinions of the reviewers. Please provide objective, fair, and valuable guidance on the reviewed articles.

Repository Policy

The repository policy of [Journal of Shenyang University of Technology] aims to ensure the long-term preservation and accessibility of the journal's articles through digital repositories. This policy outlines the guidelines and procedures for depositing and sharing scholarly articles in repositories to enhance their visibility and availability.
Types of Repositories:
We recommend depositing articles in reputable and recognized digital repositories, including institutional repositories, subject-based repositories, and general open repositories. These repositories should adhere to recognized standards and practices for long-term digital preservation.

Deposit Procedures:
Authors of accepted manuscripts are encouraged to deposit their articles in digital repositories. They should follow the guidelines provided by the respective repositories for depositing their work. Authors are responsible for complying with any embargo periods or copyright policies imposed by the journal or funding agencies.

Embargo Periods:
There are no embargo periods enforced by [Journal of Shenyang University of Technology]. Authors are free to deposit their accepted manuscripts or published articles in repositories immediately after publication.

Versioning and Access:
We recommend depositing the final published version of the article in repositories. If the final published version is not available, authors may deposit the accepted manuscript or postprint version. Open access versions of the article are preferred for enhanced accessibility.

Metadata Requirements:
Authors depositing articles in repositories should include comprehensive metadata, adhering to recognized standards. The metadata should include essential details such as the article title, author names, abstracts, keywords, and persistent identifiers (e.g., DOIs).
Licensing and Copyright:
Authors are responsible for complying with the licensing and copyright requirements associated with their articles. We encourage authors to choose open licenses, such as Creative Commons licenses, to facilitate wider dissemination and reuse of their work. Authors should ensure they have the necessary rights or permissions for depositing their articles in repositories.
Repository Selection Criteria:
While we do not endorse specific repositories, we encourage authors to choose reputable repositories that align with recognized standards for digital preservation, discoverability, and indexing services. Authors should consider factors such as the repository's reputation, long-term preservation policies, and availability of indexing services when selecting a repository.

Compliance Monitoring:
The journal's editorial team will periodically monitor compliance with the repository policy. We may conduct checks or audits to ensure that articles are being deposited in line with the established guidelines. Non-compliance may result in reminders or additional guidance to authors.
Communication and Support:
For any questions or clarifications regarding the repository policy, authors can contact the editorial team of [Journal of Shenyang University of Technology] through the designated contact person or the journal's website.
By adhering to this repository policy, we aims to enhance the visibility, accessibility, and long-term preservation of its scholarly articles, ensuring their availability to the research community and the wider public.
Please note that this repository policy is subject to periodic review and may be updated or modified as necessary to align with evolving best practices and standards for digital preservation.

Pubdate: 2022-11-29    Viewed: 2095