
Comparative Study of Culture
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  • 文化比较研究
    TANG Gong-zhi;WANG Chun-hui;CI Li-yan
    . 2010, 3(2): 155-158.
    In order to enhance the social identification and cross-cultural radiating competitiveness of Chinese traditional festival culture, the differences of the origins and evolutions are clarified about the Chinese and western traditional festivals, and the cultural differences are compared between China and western countries. It is believed that most of western traditional festivals are based on religionary culture especially the Christianism culture, which have stronger generality and cross-cultural naturalizing ability; while Chinese traditional festivals mainly originated from calendarian time and solar term, which have very strong secularity and pantheism. These kinds of originating and developing differences become the barriers to cross-cultural intercommunion and naturalization of traditional festivals, especially for Chinese traditional festivals to naturalize across cultures to western countries. In order to endow Chinese traditional festivals with cross-cultural radiating catholicity, reconstruction of it with the era must be carried out, including the reconstruction of social soil it rooted, and brand-new historical meanings should be endued to traditional culture.
  • 文化比较研究
    LU Bing;JIN Peng-hui
    . 2010, 3(2): 163-165.
    Verbal humor is an important part of language, which is also an important means of social intercourse and interpersonal communication. Along with the frequent intercommunion of diversified cultures nowadays, it has become the important research subject of linguists to help people achieve successful interpersonal communication in virtue of the cultural features of English and Chinese verbal humors. Different features of English and Chinese verbal humors are analyzed from perspective of cultural diversity, which includes the nationality, the religionary influence, and the value concept analysis of them, in order to enhance the mutual understanding of different nationalities by this kind of cross cultural comparative study, and achieve better effect of cross cultural intercommunion.
  • 文化比较研究
    WANG Hong-gang;TANG Gong-zhi
    . 2010, 3(1): 94-96.
    Grounded in Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis, this paper conduct a systematic research on the inner relatedness between languages, thinking and the comparative studies of Chinese and western cultures. By analyzing the restraints and impacts of Chinese and English languages upon their users’ thinking mode through contrastive analyses of form and habitual expressions of the two languages, the writers prove the basic conclusion made in the Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis further that language determines thinking and affects thinking. With regard to the underlined relationship between languages, thinking and cultures, the paper claims that differences in languages are the contributing factors of differences in cultures and therefore, studies of cultural differences should begin with a detailed study of language differences.
  • 文化比较研究
    WANG Ying-jun
    . 2011, 4(3): 280-284.
    “Bad wife” and “demon wife” are respective images of evil wife with cultural characteristics in Chinese and western literature. The appearance of this composing cognition comes not only from the common cognition that “almost all super beautiful women are evil” in Chinese and western patriarchy society, but also from the different value basis of respective ethics culture. It should be noticed that through the creating pattern of evil wife, crossing space-time patriarchy expression similarity appears towards the control of females by Confucian ethics and the west religious ethics in a long history. In modern society, this expression similarity of rights encountered criticisms both from Chinese and the western feminists at their own cultural visions. Hence, the evil wife images acquired new creation and interpretation, which shows the awakening tide of subject consciousness of both Chinese and western females.
  • 文化比较研究
    ZHANG Ni;YAN Li-jun;LI Tian-xin
    . 2011, 4(2): 185-188.
    The American cartoon Mulan is originated from an ancient Chinese poem of Mulan, which achieves its cultural transmission through the decline of significant difference between Chinese and western cultures, the basis of cultural universality, the application of form that can be received and comprehended by westerners, the transformation of certain cultural characteristics in the original literature, and the insertion of western value concept at the same time. Through analyzing the cultural difference of two kinds of “Mulan” and the reason of American style “Mulan” can be received in China and even the whole world, the referencing significance of American style cultural transformation to Chinese traditional culture transmission is studied.
  • 文化比较研究
    MA Jin
    . 2011, 4(4): 377-380.
    The diet culture is a miniature of social activities, which represents the concept of social intercourse of people. To understand the diet difference is conducive to furthering the respective characteristics and promoting the assimilation of the Chinese and Western diet cultures, and is directive for promoting the development of tourism industry in China. From the perspective of diet culture, the cultural connotation and social extension of it are explored from three aspects, namely, the differences of diet concept, diet content and diet manner between China and Western countries.
  • 文化比较研究
    TANG Gong-zhi;ZHANG Jun;MA Jin
    . 2011, 4(2): 189-192.
    Proverbs faithfully reflect how people thought and lived in the past, which are living fossils of the culture and thoughts. Through proverbs, the culture and the national character as well as its developing history of a country can be understood. The connotative deep cultural characteristics are discussed of English and Japanese proverbs, and the difference reflected by English and Japanese proverbs between English culture and Japanese culture is compared from perspectives of behavioral pattern and national character. To recognize the cultural differences of different nationalities through analyzing their proverbs can not only help to understand the cultural background of proverbs, but also help to deeply grasp its cultural characteristics, so as to improve the ability of cross-cultural intercommunion.
  • 文化比较研究
    YANG Bao
    . 2010, 3(1): 88-93.
    Human relations are the person to person relationship developed and established through material and spiritual intercourse in the practice of social life, which plays a very important role in studying ethical relations. As important thinkers in the East and the West respectively, the theories of Confucius and Plato on human relations have not only had deep influences on the cultures of their own nations, but also played leading role in the development of different civilizations in the East and the West. On the basis of expounding their respective discussions on human relations, their viewpoints are compared. The comparison can help us understand their respective thoughts, further study characteristics and laws of ethical relationships in the East and the West, which obviously has referring significance in how to form good human relations in modern society.
  • 文化比较研究
    ZHOU Ying;MA Jin
    . 2012, 5(3): 285-288.
    Rooted in respective different cultural tradition, the family value concepts of China and USA show differences in various aspects as value yardstick of behavior and evaluation standard of people in the two countries. As the magnum opus of the second generation Chinese American writer, the Joy Luck Club serves as a perfect sample to discuss the family value concepts of China and USA. Obvious differences can be found on the concept and status of family, the concept of marriage, and the concept of family education. The deep reason of differences of family value concepts of the two countries is examined by applying human holistic view of history, so as to deepen the understanding and increase the communication between these two countries to construct a more harmonious world.
  • 文化比较研究
    WANG Ying-jun
    . 2011, 4(2): 178-184.
    Chinese culture built up the aesthetic value judgment that pursuing goodness of Chinese traditional literary theory. But following the evolution of Confucianism since neo-Confucianism of Song and Ming Dynasties, the trend of individual consciousness awaking appears in China, which brings the change of literary aesthetic value focused on humanity consciousness of individual and towards pursuing trueness. It has a same trend as the aesthetic value judgment that pursuing trueness of western modern literary theory which built up by western culture. Therefore, accompanied with the western theories introduced to China in early 20th century, Chinese literary theory is mixed with western literary theory fleetly based on its own value basis of pursuing trueness, and the historic elementary construction of Chinese modern literary theory came into being since then.
  • 文化比较研究
    YANG Zhen-hua
    . 2011, 4(1): 87-91.
    The piety and kinship concepts of YAN Zhi-tui are consistent with Pre-Qin Confucianism on some aspects, while they are also different on many aspects from the latter. From the perspective of cultivating morality of piety, Pre-Qin Confucianism believes it is an unalterable principle, while Yan Zhi-tui believes that parents’ dignity and kindness are its premise. From the perspective of reciprocating parents, Pre-Qin Confucianism believes it is more important to respect and obey them, who emphasizes spiritual reciprocation, while YAN Zhi-tui believes provision for parents is the most important, who emphasizes material reciprocation. From the perspective of assisting the emperor, Pre-Qin Confucianism emphasizes faithful to the emperor with one’s loyalty, while YAN Zhi-tui pay more attention to one’s talent. From the perspective of funeral activity, Pre-Qin Confucianism emphasizes lavish burial and complicate sacrifice activities, while YAN Zhi-tui opposes lavish burial and believes complicate sacrifice activities are not necessary.
  • 文化比较研究
    WANG Ni;LI Ning;DENG Da-jun
    . 2010, 3(2): 159-162.
    Along with the evolution of globalization trend, the cross-cultural intercommunion between China and Australia has become more and more frequent. What psychological experiences are perceived, what cultural psychological difference characteristics are showed, how more suitable alien cultural environment can be created, and how cross-cultural intercommunion harmony can be promoted in the cross-cultural intercommunion of Chinese and Australian are issues worth of serious researches. Started with the first-hand information of a cross-cultural intercommunion project between China and Australia, the cultural psychological differences between Chinese and Australian are analyzed contrastively, and some surveys and reflections of Chinese culture are carried out, which aim at experiencing and realizing the cultures of China and Australia each other in the collisions of multiple cultural value concepts, and relocating their own cultural value concepts so as to provide theoretical support and practical guidance for the increasing cross-cultural intercommunion.
  • 文化比较研究
    SHAO Tong
    . 2011, 4(1): 92-96.
    It is of very important theoretic value and practical significance in cross-cultural intercommunion knowing and mastering the orienting function of differences between Chinese and western social value systems and corresponding rules, thereby to solve and avoid the cultural conflicts and blocks, and to enhance the actual skills of crosscultural intercommunion. Through comparative analysis of the concrete representations of differences between Chinese and western social culture in cross-cultural intercommunion, three different characteristics are summurized in communication principle and mode, communication timing orientation and detailed communication form. It is pointed out that on the standpoint of tolerance and identification to culture differences, the modern value of Chinese traditional culture should be explored, and the beneficial element of western culture should be absorbed, so as to realize the au pair dialogue and intercommunion between Chinese and western cultures.
  • 文化比较研究
    WANG Chun-hui;YANG Huai-guo
    . 2011, 4(4): 381-384.
    Cultural difference often leads to conflict, which will result in difference of psychological contract of staffs. A cross-cultural comparative study is conducted on the differences of psychological contract between Chinese and American staffs, which can help the crosscultural organization to take effective management measures of human resource, to establish harmonious enterprise culture, to effectively regulate behavior of employees, to reduce the cost of contracts, and to improve cohesiveness and work efficiency. The cross cultural comparison includes the content of contract, value identity, value orientation, and breach cost, etc. During the process of human resource management, it is not wise to blindly refer to foreign management methods, but to root it on local culture and establish a psychological contract management system that takes emotion as the ligament, communication as the key, and development as the guarantee.
  • 文化比较研究
    ZUO Dan-hong;WANG Ya-guang
    As the gems of cultural classics of the world, myths and legends have always been respected and spread by the people, no matter in China or western countries. Hero is an indispensable part of myths and legends. There are obvious differences between the hero images in Chinese myths and legends, and western myths and legends represented by ancient Greek. It reflects the differences of cultural concepts between China and western countries. Hero images with respective characteristics in Chinese and western myths and legends are shaped by the factors of geographical origin, value concept, aesthetic awareness, etc., and different value concepts are borne by the heroes. To compare the images of heroes in Chinese and western myths and legends will benefit the inheritance and development of noble hero spirits, such as yearning for freedom, pursuing truth, goodness and beauty, and praising virtue and punishing vice, etc., which are eulogized in myths and legends. With the current economic globalization and integration, it benefits the understanding and communication between the East and the West, and the construction of a harmonious and inclusive world to explore the psychological and cultural factors of forming images of heroes in Chinese and western myths and legends on deeper level.
  • 文化比较研究
    LI Qiu
    Face is an universal social and cultural phenomenon. The face politeness theories of Penelope Brown and Stephen C. Levinson are introduced, and the differences of maintaining face between China and Western countries are illustrated: Chinese culture tends to maintain the positive face, while Western culture pay more attention to the negative face of communicators. The oringin of difference of Chinese and Western face concepts is analyzed from perspectives of history and value system: Chinese face concept is rooted in collectivism and Confucius culture, while Western face concept is deeply influenced by individualism values and contract spirit. Nowadays, along with the increasingly development of cross-cultural communication, misunderstanding and conflict caused by cultural difference should be tried to avoid, in order to gurantee cross-cultural communication to run smoothly.
  • 文化比较研究
    LI Qing
    . 2011, 4(3): 285-288.
    Euphemism is a kind of expression mode which commonly exists in intercommunion process of human being, and is acknowledged and accepted by peoples with different cultural background. It plays an important role in keeping good relationship between peoples and maintaining normal intercommunion. Through analysis on cases in Chinese and English languages, the similarity of communication functions of Chinese and English euphemisms is discussed, such as the avoidances of taboo and vulgarity, the emphasis of politeness, and the effects of faintness and covering. The different characteristics in different cultures of euphemisms are analyzed, such as the difference of cultural consuetude, the difference of langusge connotation, and the difference of expression mode.
  • 文化比较研究
    LI Tao
    Culture and communication are interdependent and inseparable. In cultural research, American anthropologist Hall proposed that culture has the character of context, and divided it into high-context and low-context cultures. Different cultural contexts influence the thinking and behavior of people. And the difference of context culture is the important reason that caused misunderstanding and failure in cross-cultural communication. The origin of high-context and low-context cultures is explored, the differences between them are compared, in order to avoid misunderstanding and conflict and benefit successful cross-cultural communication.
  • 文化比较研究
    SHANG Fei-fei;LIU Yang
    Death is the final destination of one’s life. A funeral is the last memorial ceremony of life and conveys the expectation of surpassing death. There are remarkable differences in Chinese and Western traditional funeral customs in terms of organizers and procedures, location and construction of graves, funeral tunes and funeral goods, etc., which reflect the vast difference of Chinese and western cultures. Influenced by urbanization and spreading of western culture in China, modern funeral ceremonies in China tend to be procedure-fixed and culture-mixed. In this multi-cultural age, China should inherit and carry forward its brilliant traditional culture, as well as getting rid of feudalistic superstition, so that it can play a leading role in culture.
  • MA Jin,LI Zhao-fu
    Journal of Shenyang University of Technology. 2017, 10(3): 278-282.
    As a medium of embodying culture, family is the origin of acquiring sense of belongings and social identity acceptance of individuals. Because of different natural, economic, cultural conditions and the long history of accumulation, different family ethical systems have been formed such as family oriented versus individual oriented, patriarchal human relationship versus contract human relationship, and father-son axis versus husband-wife axis, etc., in Chinese and Western countries, which constitute their respective unique family values. It will benefit the better handling of relationship among family members, such as husband and wife, and parents and children to study the difference of family ethics in Chinese and Western countries.
  • 文化比较研究
    LIU Yang;SHANG Fei-fei
    The arrival of new technology revolution has made great differences of internet cultures in view of audience group, application direction and management institution between China and western countries. Along with the social development and the gradual breakthrough of global regionality, the internet cultures in China and western countries are being blended more and more in aspects of philosophy, application development and supervisory measures. Internet cultures have strongly impacted original social-cultural value system. Consequently, the internet safety awareness must be strengthened, the core value concept must be adhered to, and the overall quality of internet users must be improved; the creative spirit must be exerted, and the internet industry must be optimized; and the internet supervision must be enhanced, and the internet environment must be purified, in order to promote the healthy development of internet culture in China.
  • 文化比较研究
    LI Xing-min
    . 2012, 5(3): 281-284.
    Aimed at the difference of honesty cultures in China and Western countries, analysis and comparison are made from such four aspects as social background, function range, value orientation and restraint mechanism. Conclusions are drawn that there are differences between honesty cultures in China and Western countries in aspects of vertical one-sidedness and horizontal double-sidedness, parochialism and generality, morality and utility, and self-discipline and regulation. It inspires us that we must combine Chinese moral honesty and Western contract honesty, Chinese self-disciplined honesty and Western regulatory honesty, and to absorb the reasonable core of Western honesty culture, in order to construct new type of honesty culture which acclimatizes the demand of development of modern society in China.
  • 文化比较研究
    ZHI Li-li
    Farmer’s proverbs are the summary of agricultural production experiences, which widely exist in both Chinese and Italian languages. It is not only a phenomenon of language, but also a phenomenon of culture. It is not only involved in the whole process of agricultural production, but also involved in all aspects of agricultural life. The formation of culture can not be separated from the influences of natural geography and social environment. Particular culture is created by specific environment, and particular expression is formatted by the reflection of specific culture in language. From farmer’s proverbs in Chinese and Italian, discussed are the festival culture, solar term culture of both countries, and special cultures reflecting the class relationship between serfs and farmers of folk, religion, and religious calendar in Italy. The comparative analysis on farmer’s proverbs of the two countries is another path of researching the generality and individuality of Chinese and Italian cultures, which will be conducive to the cross-cultural intercommunion and friendly communication between China and Italy.
  • 文化比较研究
    DAI Xiao-gang
    . 2012, 5(4): 380-384.
    The period from the Kingdom of Wei, Jin Dynasty to Southern and Northern Dynasties was noticeable for the ethic fusion in Chinese history, during which while metaphysics is prevailing in two Jin Dynasties and Southern Dynasty, Confucianism was exceeding prevalent in Sixteen Kingdoms and Northern Dynasty. From the mid-later stage of Sixteen Kingdoms, the rulers from the Northern Barbarian tribes, such as Fu Jian from pre-Qin Dynasty and Yao Xing from post-Qin Dynasty, learned a lot of countrygoverning principles from Han rulers after Han, Wei and Jin Dynasties, which characterized as Han culture that centered to “worshiping Confucianism and vitalizing education”. It not only enormously promoted the political, economic and cultural developments of pre-Qin Dynasty and post-Qin Dynasty, but also greatly accelerated the ethnic fusion of Sixteen Kingdoms and Northern Dynasty. To compare and study the characteristics of Han culture of Fu Jian and Yao Xing is not only helpful for further understanding the historical development and its basic rules from cultural dimension during mid-later stage of Sixteen Kingdoms, but also has great enlightenments for further promoting the strategy of revitalizing the country by science and technology and strengthening the country by talents, actively carrying on and promoting Chinese traditional culture, and improving the scientific and cultural qualities of the whole nation.
  • ZHOU Ying,LI Tian-xin
    Journal of Shenyang University of Technology. 2018, 11(4): 381-384.
    Myth is the source of human civilization. It has crossed the boundaries of time and space and become the spiritual heritage of exploring national culture of Chinese and Western countries. Through contrasting the disparity of goddess image and female status of myths and legends in Chinese and Western countries, the gap of female status in the real world in Chinese and Western countries is explored of different regions, social systems and differences in values, and historical reflection is produced on the background culture of female prototype in Chinese and Western myths. The female prototypes in myth have a distinctive cultural mark of the times, which is a mirror of ancient and modern feminist research, and direction of development of feminine literature.
  • 文化比较研究
    WANG Jing
    Since the cultural system reform is deepened by Tianjin City in 2010, how to reach the goal of promoting urban cultural diversity through the protection, inheritance and innovation of rich and colorful cultural heritage has become an important issue for culture workers. The successful practice in multi-culture policy of Australian government may provide some inspiration to Tianjin, who is exploring the coexistence of multiple cultures. Either on the aspect of policy surpport of government and folk atmosphere construction of protecting cultural heritage, or on the aspect of reaching the goal of protection and inheritance by applying non-traditional means, it should be an foundamental principle to respect individual characteristics and pursue the labor value of cultural heritage, through which can promote the flourish and advancement of society, and is conducive to harmonious society construction.
  • 文化比较研究
    ZHOU Hong
    Successful cross-cultural communication lies in not only the understanding of cultural difference, but also the understanding of the cognition mode difference and its reasons behind cultural vacancy phenomenon. A lot of cultural vacancy phenomena exist in both Chinese and American cultures, which is the root of widely different cognitive modes between them. Based on theoretical summary of cultural vacancy, the cultural vacancy phenomena in China and America are analyzed comparatively, and the differences of cognition modes in China and America are analyzed deeply. Comparative study of the cognition modes in China and America based on cultural vacancy will help the smooth cross-cultural communication between Chinese and Americans, so as to promote the healthy development of Sino-US relationship.
  • 文化比较研究
    LI Tao
    Time orientation is one of the key ingredients of non-verbal communication. Great differences exist in time orientation between China and Western countries, which easily lead to misunderstanding and conflict during cross-cultural communication. Based on monochromic time and polychromic time theories of Edward Twitchell Hall and time orientation theory of Kluckhohn and Strodtbeck, the differences of time orientation between China and Western countries are analyzed and compared, so as to avoid the misunderstanding and failure during communication, and successfully achieve cross-cultural communication.
  • 文化比较研究
    WANG Ya-guang
    Almost all of the major life affairs of an Englishman are inextricable with churches:from the baptism at birth, to the marriage ceremony after grown up, and even the funeral after passing away. In their daily life, going to pray in churches on weekends always accompanied with their whole life. The church culture reflects the outlooks on life and world of Englishman, going to church is a channel for them to communicate with the God, and it also shows their life consciousnesses of how to treat real life. Their outlooks on life and death are quite different from that of most Chinese people who mainly believing in Buddhism, Zen and Taoism. Recognizing the differences of religious cultures between England and China can help us to understand and handle the conflicts and difficulties arising in the communication between China and Western countries better.
  • SONG Cheng,SHEN Li-ying
    Journal of Shenyang University of Technology. 2021, 14(1): 92-96.
    Due to the differences of natural environment and races, etc., Chinese and Western cultures show different forms, and different social and historical development process intensifies the differences. Through analyzing the different characteristics of Chinese and western sports spirits, their respective cultural roots are explored, in order to enrich and develop the national culture, and contribute to the promotion of cultural diversity. Through the investigation of specific sports events, it can be found that the understanding of relationship between human and nature in China and Western countries shows different features of internality and transcendence. By exploring its cultural roots, it is believed that the fundamental way to solve the problem is to restore the integrity of relationship between human and nature.