
Study of Marxism Theories
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  • 马克思主义中国化研究
    CHEN Xiao-hui;CHEN Bo
    . 2011, 4(4): 372-376.
    Under the new historical conditions, constructing socialistic harmonious society, strengthening construction of the party and developing socialistic democracy with Chinese characteristics are important targets and missions of Communist Party of China (CPC) and the whole country. Mass line is the fundamental work line of CPC and the basic methods of leadership and work. Adhering mass line of CPC in new era has great theoratical and practical significance of constructing socialistic harmonious society, strengthening construction of the party and developing socialistic democracy with Chinese characteristics.
  • 马克思主义中国化研究
    . 2008, 1(3): 272-275.


  • Study of Marxism Theories
    ZHANG Juanjuan
    Journal of Shenyang University of Technology (Social Science Edition). 2023, 16(5): 445-450.
    The Communist Party of China (CPC) has always attached great importance to ideological and political education in higher education institutions. As the core carrier of ideological and political education in higher education institutions, its discourse system develops with the development of the CPC and presents unique historical characteristics. Systematically organizing the discourse system of ideological and political education in higher education institutions since the establishment of the People′s Republic of China (PRC), it has gone through five stages: establishment exploration, rectifying chaos, strengthening improvement, expanding development, and adhering to inheritance and innovation. By summarizing its basic experience, the understanding of the development laws of the discourse system of ideological and political education in higher education institutions is deepened since the establishment of the PRC, so as to promote the innovative development of ideological and political education work in higher education institutions in the New Era.
  • 马克思主义中国化研究
    SHA Rong;YAO Tie-jun
    . 2009, 2(1): 88-91.
    Intra party democracy is a cardinal principle of the political life in China, and a foundation and prerequisite of realizing socialist democratic politics. The evolving paths are expounded concerning the intra party democracy of Chinese Communist Party (CPC). The restrictions of path dependence exist in the imperfection of the party congress system, incompleteness of intra party election system, and weakening of intraparty supervision system in the present development of intra party democracy. In order to expand intraparty democracy and eliminate the impact of the inertia of path dependence to the democratic politics, three breakthroughs have to be made by perfecting the standing tenure system of party congresses, reforming the intra party electoral system, establishing and improving intra party democratic supervision system.
  • 马克思主义中国化研究
    ZHAI Bo
    . 2010, 3(1): 83-87.
    The Scientific Outlook on Development scientifically reveals the essence of human society and human development, which theoretically inherits and transcends the traditional concept of development. The traditional development model seeking the single goal of economic growth makes the present development facing new predicaments. It is required to further understand the Scientific Outlook on Development to get out of it. The financial crisis originated in the USA and spread to the globe has brought great impacts on economic development in China, which exposed some problems during the execution and fulfillment of the Scientific Outlook on Development. Crisis is the bitter fruit of unscientific development, and the effective driving force for new development. To research the practice of Scientific Outlook on Development under financial crisis is not only the reflection of actual developing problems, but also the interpretation of developing chances in the future.
  • 马克思主义中国化研究
    CHEN Xue-jie;LIU Yan
    . 2009, 2(3): 278-281.
    Directing cultural construction of united front in colleges and universities by Scientific Outlook on Development is a must of both implementing Scientific Outlook on Development and reinforcing the work of united front in new era. The cultural construction of united front in colleges and universities must closely focus on the key work and reality of the united front, and adhere to the peopleoriented principle to realize the comprehensive, coordinated and sustainable scientific development, so that the work of united front enhances the cohesion and influence further in the works such as the construction of campus culture, teaching and scientific research management, and the cultivating of talents, etc. It can provide the intellectual impetus, the ideological assurance and the support of public opinion to create a new situation of the work of united front in colleges and universities.
  • 马克思主义中国化研究
    LU Li-li;ZHENG Ya-liang
    . 2009, 2(3): 273-277.
    Townspeople society has experienced a long evolution from ancient history to modern time, which was representatively illustrated by Locke and Hegel. It demonstrates the views of “townspeople society is prior to nation” from modern political liberalist and Hegel’s opinion on “nation precedes townspeople society”. Based on the introduction of the development and evolution of townspeople society, the conducive effects of generality and individuality of democracy are analyzed. Townspeople society plays a vital role in promoting democracy, whereas development situation of townspeople society in China is not very optimistic. Therefore, townspeople society should be built up in accordance to the specific situation in China.
  • 马克思主义中国化研究
    CHEN Yan-chao;LI Wen-gang
    . 2009, 2(3): 264-268.
    After the founding of People’s Republic of China, as the core of the first generation of Chinese leaders, MAO Zedong put forward the target of realizing socialist industrialization, and proposed the strategy of “modeling the Russia” according to the realistic conditions facing China at that time. But in the process of sinicization, the strategy had been changed into “taking the Soviet model as mirror”. MAO Zedong began to lead Chinese people to probe the industrialization route suitable for the characteristics of China, which resulted in the establishment of Chinese modernization development strategy, namely, the realization of “Four Modernizations” in the end of the 20th century. From the perspective of comparing the conditions, routes and models between China and other countries, this process is discussed, and the success, failure and their reasons of the Chinese modernization during this period are analyzed.
  • 马克思主义中国化研究
    . 2008, 1(3): 268-271.


  • 马克思主义中国化研究
    HUO Ming-shuai;WANG Chao
    . 2009, 2(1): 92-96.
    Ownership and ownership structure constitute basic economic system of a society, and determine the essence of a society. Their harmony is the basis and prerequisite of building a harmonious socialist society, therefore, research on harmonious ownership structure should be enhanced, and harmonious multi ownership structure is built which conform to the Chinese situation. Following the guidance of historical materialism method, this paper analyses the rich achievements of ownership structure research and points out that ownership structure research is lacking of integrated and harmonious research. It concludes that the tendency of ownership structure research is taking ownership structure as a whole guided by system method, the harmonious research of ownership structure should be carried out.
  • 马克思主义中国化研究
    WU Hong
    . 2010, 3(1): 79-82.
    As a scientific theory which based on practice and unionized revolutionary and scientificity, Marxism discussed the thoughts of social engineering at the earlier period and proposed the point of view that human social structure contains economic structure, ideological structure and political structure. During the process of constructing Chinese Characteristic Socialism, the Chinese Communist Party practiced the thoughts of social engineering of Marxism creatively. Combined with the reality of Chinese revolution, construction and reform, it developed different oriented material civilization construction, spiritual civilization construction, political civilization construction, social civilization construction (the establishment of harmonious society), and ecological civilization construction during different historical periods.
  • Study of Marxism Theories
    HAN Ying, TAO Rui
    Journal of Shenyang University of Technology (Social Science Edition). 2023, 16(2): 149-153.
    Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC), based on the New Era, the CPC has consistently strengthened Party building. Under the basic principles of the organic unity of theory and practice, the CPC has scientifically planned, accurately taught, and innovatively carried out five centralized educations within the CPC. It echoes the strict governance of the CPC in an all-round way and is linked with the unity consensus of the whole CPC, which have enriched and developed the theory of centralized education within the CPC in the New Era. And it summarizes and deepens the experience and enlightenment that the inner-Party education should focus on the key minority and the theme should be determined around the central task of the CPC in the practical activities, which lays a solid empirical foundation for building a learning, service-oriented and innovative Marxist party.
  • 马克思主义中国化研究
    LIU Ming-ming;LIN Mei-qing
    . 2011, 4(3): 264-267.
    Schweickart believes that the best outlet of Chinese economic reform is market socialism of economic democracy. Although there are many similarities between his economic democracy pattern and the socialist market economy, such as the understanding of realization of relationship between market and socialism, the surmounting object, the enterprise democracy, the macroeconomic regulation and control, the system of ownership, and the international trade, etc., but essential differences also exist, such as the background of proposing the theory, the origin, the practical path, and the concrete institution. China explores out a road of socialist market economy with Chinese characteristic and has obtained great achievements in practice, while Schweickart’s economic democracy pattern is still stalemating in the fantasy stage. Therefore, China will not follow economic democracy pattern, but can profit from its reasonable elements.
  • CHEN Yan-chao,WANG Si-yu
    Journal of Shenyang University of Technology. 2022, 15(5): 413-418.
    Socialist Modernization with Chinese Characteristics is a new mode of modernization adhering to the leadership of Communist Party of China, and affinity to people is the fundamental attribute and characteristic of it. As a main line, affinity to people runs through the strategic arrangement, institutional design and the Party’s line, principles and policies during the development of Socialist Modernization with Chinese Characteristics. The specific manifestations are as follows: realizing people-centered, co-constructed and shared and common prospered socialist modernization purposefully and designedly under the leadership of the Communist Party of China; the Socialist System with Chinese Characteristics provides a comprehensive guarantee for the realization of the people’s rights and interests; the Party always put the people at the top of its mind, and implement a series of policies to benefit the people in order to improve their well-being.
  • 马克思主义中国化研究
    CHEN Xue-jie;WU Hong;ZHANG Hong-bing;GENG Wen-ru;LI Han
    . 2011, 4(1): 78-82.
    The losing of ideals and beliefs as well as scientific religious concepts of undergraduates is an inevitable fact in contemporary society, which cannot be dodged or neglected. The appearance of it is not only a result of the globalization and the reform and opening, but also a result of the absence of ideological and political education in colleges and universities. To promote the sinicization, modernization and popularization of Marxism is not only the need of persisting the theoretical system of socialism with Chinese characteristics and cultivating qualified constructors and reliable successors, but also the need of constructing Marxism religious concepts of undergraduates.
  • 马克思主义中国化研究
    CAO Xu;ZHANG Fu-ling
    . 2010, 3(4): 379-384.
    Circular economy is in essence a kind of ecological economy, which is an improvement of the traditional linear economy. Developing circular economy can fundamentally improve the quality and ecological efficiency of economic growth, and is the most basic and effective approach to construct resource-saving society. Resource-saving society requires the achievement of maximum economic and social benefits with the minimum resources consumption, so as to guarantee the sustainable development of economy and society. To build a resource-saving society, government regulation, institution support, law guarantee, technology support, production and consumption, public awareness etc., should be actively probed and explored at all levels. The effectiveness of resource-saving society construction in Liaoning Province is analyzed, and experiences and lessons are summarized, so as to provide references for other regions.
  • 马克思主义中国化研究
    LI Feng-ling
    . 2011, 4(3): 259-263.
    Promoting Marxism popularization is one of the basic experiences of Communist Party of China when leading the mass to build socialism. In the background of network era, Marxism popularization exhibits some new features, which mainly shows that the parallel development of network popularization and Marxism popularization, the new demands proposed by network culture to Marxism popularization, and the carrier innovation of Marxism popularization realized by network media. Understanding these new features will benefit the Communist Party of China to promote modern Marxism popularization in network situation in new era.
  • 马克思主义中国化研究
    . 2008, 1(3): 262-267.


  • 马克思主义中国化研究
    ZUO Xue-song;XIA Dao-yu
    . 2011, 4(1): 83-86.
    Along with the setting and implementation of Scientific Outlook on Development, the construction of life style, which is an important part of development of people’s livelihood, has become an important issue of Scientific Outlook on Development which prominently facing us. Under the guidance of Marxism, the dialectic relationship of Scientific Outlook on Development and construction of life style is discussed, and it is pointed out that the Scientific Outlook on Development demonstrating the direction for the construction of life style, and the construction of life style guaranteeing the setting and implementation of Scientific Outlook on Development. Based on it, the scientific connotation of construction of life style is excavated, and the demand of people’s livelihood of construction of life style is explored in the visual threshold of Scientific Outlook on Development.
  • YANG Li-zhi,SUN Lu-liang
    Journal of Shenyang University of Technology. 2022, 15(5): 419-425.
    The grassroots discourse system of spirit of Communist Party of China is a discourse system for propagating and explaining the great spirit of the Party to the grassroots people, and is a collection of discourses in which the spirit of the Party is expressed at the grassroots level. Since entering the New Era, the grassroots discourse system of spirit of Communist Party of China is facing many challenges, such as the grassroots match degree still needs to be improved, the image appeal of the Party still needs to be strengthened, the foreign reactionary thoughts have a bigger impact on the ideological field of China, and the discourse communication force still needs to be enhanced, etc. In combination with the new characteristics and requirements of the New Era, the discourse content should be further enriched and expanded, the expression forms should be innovated and improved, the communication carrier platform should be optimized, and the evaluation and feedback mechanism should be improved. The construction of spiritual grassroots discourse system of the Communist Party of China should be speeded up, which is rich in Chinese characteristics, meets the needs of the times and conforms to the trend of the times. The influence and appeal of discourse should be enhanced, so as to make the great spirit of the Party to be the value consensus and practice criterion of the masses.
  • 马克思主义中国化研究
    GUO Xiang
    . 2009, 2(3): 269-272.
    70 years ago, the Rural Construction Movement led by LIANG Shuming is a wellknown reform movement in the modern history of China, but the background, the nature, the theory origin and the practice content of the Movement doomed its failure. At the same time, the Rural Revolution led by MAO Zedong achieved the roaring success. That is closely related with the path difference of them. Whether the New Socialist Rural Reconstruction or the promotion of rural reforms and developments must be carried out on the good development, maintenance and protection of farmers’ interest, which is the most important revelation to modern China from the failure of LIANG Shuming and the success of MAO Zedong.
  • 马克思主义中国化研究
    DING Chun-fu;SHAN Yi-song
    . 2010, 3(4): 375-378.
    Marxism Sinicization is a historical category. As a proposition, it includes three basic elements, namely, the Marxist theory, the actual conditions of China, and the promoter of the integration of the two. From the dimension that contradiction is the ultimate motivity of development of things, Marxism Sinicization can be internalized correspondingly into three specific contradictory categories: the unity of oppositeness of cosmopolitism and nationalism of Marxist theory, the interactive relationship between subject and object under the actual conditions of China, and the communication and dialogue between social elites and masses on subject value. These three opposite and uniform contradictory categories constitute the ultimate motivity, which promoting the development of Marxism Sinicization.
  • 马克思主义中国化研究
    CAO Yan-xiong;WEI Yu-feng;MENG Yan-jie
    . 2011, 4(3): 255-258.
    Power containing is an important principle of democratic institutions. Diversified methods of power containing are produced by political systems in both ancient and modern times by both Chinese and foreign governments. Different methods play different functions in different political backgrounds, but the general conclusion is that “the power to contain power comes from the powers outside of this power. ” The “powers outside of this power” may come from vertical and horizontal directions. Historical practice proves that though the vertical power restraction has partial validity, but it easily leads to authoritarianism from perspective of entire political structure, thereby loses the ultimate effect of power containing; the horizontal power containing plays a significant role during the development of human democracy, but this containing must adhere to principles of equality and antagonism, interests supervision and nomocracy adherence so as to achieve its validity.
  • 马克思主义中国化研究
    FANG Yu-mei;ZHANG Li-li
    The developments of economy and society acquire great achievements in China since reforming and opening to the outside world, which are closely related to the gradual formation, development and perfection of institution of Chinese Characteristic Socialism. Three organically combined characteristics and advantages are acquired by the institution of Chinese Characteristic Socialism, namely, the combination of systematicness and practicalness, the combination of value rationality and institutional rationality, and the combination of endogenousness and inclusiveness. It is of great theoretical value and realistic guiding significance to recognize the characteristics and advantages of institution of Chinese Characteristic Socialism scientifically for accurately grasping and better adhering to and perfecting the institution of Chinese Characteristic Socialism.
  • Study of Marxism Theories
    YAO Xiao-ya
    Journal of Shenyang University of Technology (Social Science Edition). 2023, 16(1): 41-46.
    Realizing common prosperity is not only Marx’s beautiful vision for the future society, but also the ideal goal pursued by socialism with Chinese characteristics. On the basis of criticizing the capitalist mode of production, Marx put forward the conception of the future social distribution mode and development trend. Based on the Marxist distribution theory, exploring the realization path of common prosperity has important theoretical value and practical significance. Common prosperity is the inevitable result of fairness in distribution, and it is also an important criterion for measuring fairness in distribution. At present, there are shortage in the distribution field in China, such as low labor remuneration, unfair income, and wide gap between the rich and the poor, which have influenced social equity and delayed the common prosperity of all people. Therefore, the realization of common prosperity in the new era should be based on the premise of high-quality economic development and lay the material foundation for common prosperity, improve the basic economic system as a guarantee and consolidate the institutional foundation for common prosperity, use a sound social security system as a means and better promote common prosperity.
  • 马克思主义中国化研究
    CHEN Xue-jie;WANG Cheng
    . 2012, 5(1): 71-75.
    On reform of income distribution system, the development goal of “two simultaneousness” is proposed clearly by the 12th Five-year Plan, namely, the simultaneous growth of resident income with economic development, and the simultaneous growth of labor compensation with productivity of labour. From the connotation of “two simultaneousness”, the reasons of why “two simultaneousness” is proposed in China are analyzed, and the approaches of realizing “two simultaneousness” during 12th Five-year Plan are expounded from 4 aspects, namely, to adjust and perfect the income distribution pattern in China, to establish reasonable growth mechanism of salary, to exert the regulating function of tax, and to energetically expand the approach of employment and increase the income of resident.
  • 马克思主义中国化研究
    CHEN Yan-chao;CAO Yuan-yuan
    . 2012, 5(1): 76-80.
    Through long period of development, the intra-Party supervision system of Communist Party of China (CPC) has formed a supervision mode, which is directly led by Party committees at all levels, centered on the intra-Party special supervision departments, and based on the mass supervision of the majority of Party members. Combined with legal supervision, supervision by public opinion, etc., this mode plays a significant role in strengthening the construction of socialist democratic politics in China, improving and promoting the governing capability of the Party, and enhancing the ability of eliminating and preventing corruption by its special progressive character. But this model also faces many challenges in practice. By analyzing the existing problems and challenges, the proposition of constructing perfect intra-Party supervision mode is proposed.
  • 马克思主义中国化研究
    ZHANG Jian
    . 2011, 4(4): 367-371.
    Through spreading political party to rural areas, the Communist Party of China organized peasants and integrated them into political system as supporting power of the regime, which guaranteed the consolidation of national regime and the stabilization of public order in rural areas. During the process of political party spreaded to countryside, the Communist Party of China called and dispatched active members into rural areas to develop peasant movement, attracted poor peasants into the organizations of the party and made them into organizers of the party in rural areas. Those realized the transformation of party who grasp power and settled the basis of political development in China.
  • 马克思主义中国化研究
    WU Hong;ZHAO Dan
    . 2012, 5(3): 267-271.
    To promote the Sinicization, contemporization and popularization of Marxism is not only the current demand of constructing Marxist learning political party, but also the strategic need of cultivating competent constructors and reliable successors of socialist modernization undertakings with Chinese characteristics. In order to promote the Sinicization, contemporization and popularization of Marxism in the special fields of colleges and universities, mastering the integrity of the theory of Sinicization, contemporization and popularization is the premise, grasping the target of audience is the fundamental orientation, and understanding the consciousness of teachers is the essential guarantee.
  • 马克思主义中国化研究
    HU Yu-xia;XU Jing;CHEN Yan-chao
    . 2012, 5(3): 272-275.
    To improve the identification degree of undergraduates on Marxism is an enormous challenge to ideological and political education teachers in colleges and universities under new situation. Emphasis is paid to the psychological identification process of undergraduates, and it is pointed out that only the ideological and political education based on psychological identification can acquire its actual effect. Based on the investigation of identification situation of undergraduates born after 1990 on Marxism, it is started from emotion and experience, and combined closely with the basic theroy education of Marxism in colleges and universities to construct an mechanism of ideological and political education based on psychological identification of undergraduates by a three-in-one path of taking advantage of a main position, grasping an opportunity, and creating a platform.