
Study of Marxism Theories
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  • Study of Marxism Theories
    CHEN Xuefeng, GUO Ruru
    Journal of Shenyang University of Technology (Social Science Edition). 2024, 17(3): 265-272.
    The courage of self-revolution is the critical key to keep the advanced nature of the Communist Party of China (CPC) forever. Clarifying the internal logical of self-revolution of CPC is an important prerequisite for pushing the comprehensive strict governance of CPC to depth. It is very important to grasp the internal relations among theoretical logic, historical logic, realistic logic and developmental logic. The theory about proletarian revolution and construction by Marxist classical writers and the series of important dissertations about CPC construction by its leaders are the root vein basis of self-revolution of CPC. The practice course of CPC promoting self-construction in each stage of revolution, construction and reform form the development context of the self-revolution of CPC. The century-long changes of accelerated evolution of great changes not seen in a century, the practical challenges at the critical moment of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, and the governance difficulties unique to a big party are the keys to identifying the orientation of the self-revolution of CPC. The continuously promotion of theoretical guidance, the construction of a pattern of multiple collaborative participation, the perfection of a dynamic supervision system, the establishment of a scientific evaluation criteria, and the guidance of a great social revolution constitute the practical path of self-revolution of CPC.
  • Study of Marxism Theories
    ZHANG Tingting
    Journal of Shenyang University of Technology (Social Science Edition). 2024, 17(3): 273-280.
    An insurmountable ecological crisis is hidden in the contradiction between capitalist private ownership and production socialization. The historical nature of the bourgeoisie's unbounded pursuit of surplus value not only intensifies ecological destruction, but also drives its governance concept to narrow anthropocentrism and ecological imperialism. The concept of Community of Life for Man and Nature reconstructs the path of reconciliation between human and nature focused on the overall global interests and the broad vision of future development of human. It adheres to the ecological and natural concept of harmonious coexistence between human and nature, the ecological values of green and people-oriented development, the ecological methodology of key prevention and systematic governance, and the multilateralism and the principle of common but differentiated responsibilities, which provides China's wisdom and solutions for effectively resolving global ecological problems. In the New Era, it has great significance to build a Community of Life for Man and Nature by all countries together for building a new type of international relationship, reshaping the new values of sustainable development, and building a New Form of Human Civilization that is fair and reasonable, and cooperative and win-win.
  • Study of Marxism Theories
    YU Guirong, QIN Shusheng
    Journal of Shenyang University of Technology (Social Science Edition). 2024, 17(2): 157-164.
    The people of the CPC in the New Era put forward the idea of “strengthening historical confidence and enhancing historical initiative”. Its inherent logic stems from its adherence and development of the Marxist historical view, reasonable absorption of historical wisdom from the excellent traditional culture of the Chinese nation, and continuous inheritance of the red gene of the CPC. Its core essence includes taking the Party′s struggle history as the source of confidence, and striving for initiative from the Party′s magnificent growth process; grasping historical trends and laws, enhancing the courage and strength to forge ahead; enhancing historical consciousness, strengthening historical responsibility, and being a promoter and practitioner of the development of human history. Its significance lies in providing theoretical basis for grasping the initiative in the struggle of ideological field, providing useful reference for promoting the modernization of national governance system and governance capability, providing ideological guidance for grasping the direction of progress and doing practical work well in the New Era and New Journey, and providing theoretical guidance for adhering to and developing Socialism with Chinese Characteristics.
  • Study of Marxism Theories
    SHEN Mengmeng
    Journal of Shenyang University of Technology (Social Science Edition). 2024, 17(2): 165-171.
    “Two Establishment” is an important political judgment made at the Sixth Plenary Session of the 19th CPC Central Committee, which contains scientific theoretical logic, profound historical logic and distinct practical logic. As a major political achievement of the New Era, “Two Establishment” reflects a high degree of Marxist theoretical consciousness from perspective of theoretical logic; it summarizes the historical experience of the Party′s century-long struggle from perspective of historical logic; and it is the inevitable requirement of the Party and China to achieve important historical achievements and continuous success in the New Era from perspective of practical logic. To deeply grasping the triple logic of “Two Establishment” has decisive significance to continuously improve the long-term governing ability of CPC, build a socialist modernized country, and promote the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.
  • Study of Marxism Theories
    WANG Cheng, ZHANG Jianhang, ZHAO Suyan
    Journal of Shenyang University of Technology (Social Science Edition). 2024, 17(2): 172-178.
    The concept of harmonious coexistence between man and nature is a valuable theoretical achievement in the field of ecological civilization construction of the Communist Party of China. It is nurtured in the Party′s struggle course and continues to sublimate in practical exploration, which has four profound generative logics of cultural logic, theoretical logic, spiritual logic and practical logic. The profound wisdom of traditional culture nourishes the source of the theory, the theoretical innovation that comes down in one continuous line deepens the core of the theory, the great spirit of struggle and practice highlights the power of the theory, and the ecological landscape of green hills and clear waters confirms the true meaning of the theory. Facing the problems of ecological environment, the difficulty of institutional system and the risk of clean government in ecological field, the Communist Party of China is good at seeking truth from facts, seeking institutional construction, and being brave to blade inward, which provides political guarantee for the landing and rooting of the concept of harmonious coexistence between man and nature. To implement the concept in the new development stage, it is necessary to adhere to the people-centered concept in the field of ecological civilization construction, systematically understand and implement the new development concept, and promote the synergy and complementarity of market mechanism and administrative mechanism.
  • Study of Marxism Theories
    CHEN Xiaohui, LI Jin
    Journal of Shenyang University of Technology (Social Science Edition). 2023, 16(5): 439-444.
    Party history study and education embodies the organic unity of theoretical logic, historical logic and realistic logic. From the perspective of theoretical logic, it is the inheritance and development of Marxist view of history. From the perspective of historical logic, it deeply summarizes the historical experience of carrying out Party history study and education. From the realistic logic, it is a strategic move to open the new journey of socialist modernization. It is of great guiding significance to deeply explore the threefold logic of Party history study and education in the New Era.
  • Study of Marxism Theories
    ZHANG Juanjuan
    Journal of Shenyang University of Technology (Social Science Edition). 2023, 16(5): 445-450.
    The Communist Party of China (CPC) has always attached great importance to ideological and political education in higher education institutions. As the core carrier of ideological and political education in higher education institutions, its discourse system develops with the development of the CPC and presents unique historical characteristics. Systematically organizing the discourse system of ideological and political education in higher education institutions since the establishment of the People′s Republic of China (PRC), it has gone through five stages: establishment exploration, rectifying chaos, strengthening improvement, expanding development, and adhering to inheritance and innovation. By summarizing its basic experience, the understanding of the development laws of the discourse system of ideological and political education in higher education institutions is deepened since the establishment of the PRC, so as to promote the innovative development of ideological and political education work in higher education institutions in the New Era.
  • Study of Marxism Theories
    LI Xiao-yuan, XU Yu-ting
    Journal of Shenyang University of Technology (Social Science Edition). 2023, 16(2): 142-148.
    The issue of people’s health is not only a political theory issue, but also a philosophical issue. It is a new perspective of historical materialism, which needs to be studied and explained from the perspective of historical materialism. The foundation status of people’s health has three logical implications: from the perspective of human history generation, social civilization development and human existence and essence, people’s health is the basis of living world. From the perspective of overall production and the connotation of modern great health, people’s health and material production constitute the basis of living world. If only the basic position of material production is mentioned, it will obscure the life activities with nature of people’s health. From the perspective of logical premise of production and the relationship between people’s health and production and life, people’s health is the first foundation of living world, which has a priority over material production. The foundation status and social nature of people’s health determine the value choice of people’s health, namely, Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era should unify the foundation status and the first value orientation of people’s health, so as to promote the cause of people’s health, a better life and build a socialist modernization power in an all-round way.
  • Study of Marxism Theories
    HAN Ying, TAO Rui
    Journal of Shenyang University of Technology (Social Science Edition). 2023, 16(2): 149-153.
    Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC), based on the New Era, the CPC has consistently strengthened Party building. Under the basic principles of the organic unity of theory and practice, the CPC has scientifically planned, accurately taught, and innovatively carried out five centralized educations within the CPC. It echoes the strict governance of the CPC in an all-round way and is linked with the unity consensus of the whole CPC, which have enriched and developed the theory of centralized education within the CPC in the New Era. And it summarizes and deepens the experience and enlightenment that the inner-Party education should focus on the key minority and the theme should be determined around the central task of the CPC in the practical activities, which lays a solid empirical foundation for building a learning, service-oriented and innovative Marxist party.
  • Study of Marxism Theories
    YAO Xiao-ya
    Journal of Shenyang University of Technology (Social Science Edition). 2023, 16(1): 41-46.
    Realizing common prosperity is not only Marx’s beautiful vision for the future society, but also the ideal goal pursued by socialism with Chinese characteristics. On the basis of criticizing the capitalist mode of production, Marx put forward the conception of the future social distribution mode and development trend. Based on the Marxist distribution theory, exploring the realization path of common prosperity has important theoretical value and practical significance. Common prosperity is the inevitable result of fairness in distribution, and it is also an important criterion for measuring fairness in distribution. At present, there are shortage in the distribution field in China, such as low labor remuneration, unfair income, and wide gap between the rich and the poor, which have influenced social equity and delayed the common prosperity of all people. Therefore, the realization of common prosperity in the new era should be based on the premise of high-quality economic development and lay the material foundation for common prosperity, improve the basic economic system as a guarantee and consolidate the institutional foundation for common prosperity, use a sound social security system as a means and better promote common prosperity.
  • Study of Marxism Theories
    JIANG Xu, FENG You-man
    Journal of Shenyang University of Technology (Social Science Edition). 2023, 16(1): 47-56.
    Since the 18th CPC National Congress, the Party grasps the new changes of times development, puts the realization of common prosperity on an important strategic position, takes effective measures to promote the construction of people’s livelihood projects, and has won a great victory in poverty alleviation. On the occasion of building a well-off society in an all-round way, common prosperity has entered a new historical stage, so it is very necessary to systematically grasp the laws and characteristics of the historical process of common prosperity. Applying CiteSpace visualization software and space-time evolution method, the evolution law of common prosperity theory is discussed from perspective of time, and the evolution characteristics of common prosperity practice is explored from perspective of space. In the historical process of realizing common prosperity, China has formed a theoretical system and action plan different from the modernization path of Western countries, broken the discourse hegemony and development paradigm of Western modernization, and provided Chinese wisdom and Chinese plan for the modernization process of developing countries.
  • DING Chun-fu,QI Ying-peng
    Journal of Shenyang University of Technology. 2022, 15(5): 407-412.
    Achieving Great Dream requires Great Struggle. Since the 18th National Congress of CPC, many important expositions of Great Struggle are made by General Secretary Xi Jinping. The new development of the Sinicization of Marxism of the Communist Party of China, the new summary of 100-year historical experience, and the new thinking of facing the actual contradictions contain its generative logic. The subject, object and method of the Great Struggle constitute its core content. To enrich Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics in the New Era, to provide theoretical guidance for realizing the Chinese Dream of the Great Rejuvenation of the Chinese Nation, and to contribute the Chinese Wisdom and Chinese Scheme of global governance, highlight its value implications.
  • CHEN Yan-chao,WANG Si-yu
    Journal of Shenyang University of Technology. 2022, 15(5): 413-418.
    Socialist Modernization with Chinese Characteristics is a new mode of modernization adhering to the leadership of Communist Party of China, and affinity to people is the fundamental attribute and characteristic of it. As a main line, affinity to people runs through the strategic arrangement, institutional design and the Party’s line, principles and policies during the development of Socialist Modernization with Chinese Characteristics. The specific manifestations are as follows: realizing people-centered, co-constructed and shared and common prospered socialist modernization purposefully and designedly under the leadership of the Communist Party of China; the Socialist System with Chinese Characteristics provides a comprehensive guarantee for the realization of the people’s rights and interests; the Party always put the people at the top of its mind, and implement a series of policies to benefit the people in order to improve their well-being.
  • YANG Li-zhi,SUN Lu-liang
    Journal of Shenyang University of Technology. 2022, 15(5): 419-425.
    The grassroots discourse system of spirit of Communist Party of China is a discourse system for propagating and explaining the great spirit of the Party to the grassroots people, and is a collection of discourses in which the spirit of the Party is expressed at the grassroots level. Since entering the New Era, the grassroots discourse system of spirit of Communist Party of China is facing many challenges, such as the grassroots match degree still needs to be improved, the image appeal of the Party still needs to be strengthened, the foreign reactionary thoughts have a bigger impact on the ideological field of China, and the discourse communication force still needs to be enhanced, etc. In combination with the new characteristics and requirements of the New Era, the discourse content should be further enriched and expanded, the expression forms should be innovated and improved, the communication carrier platform should be optimized, and the evaluation and feedback mechanism should be improved. The construction of spiritual grassroots discourse system of the Communist Party of China should be speeded up, which is rich in Chinese characteristics, meets the needs of the times and conforms to the trend of the times. The influence and appeal of discourse should be enhanced, so as to make the great spirit of the Party to be the value consensus and practice criterion of the masses.
  • MENG Shu-guang
    Journal of Shenyang University of Technology. 2022, 15(3): 230-236.
    In order to realize the universal and substantive justice, Marx constructed the political justice of proletariat. He believes that the dictatorship of the proletariat is the way to realize political justice, the communism is a social form that transcends political justice, and the “real community” is the spatial field of political justice. Some problems facing current political development urgently need the respond of Marxist thought of political justice in China. Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the ideological concepts such as the Path of Political Development of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics, the Chinese Dream and the Community of Human Destiny are proposed creatively by the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core, which not only embody the theoretical quality of Marxism of advancing with the times, but also the innovation and development of Marx’s thoughts of political justice.
  • LI Huan-huan,WEI Xiang-yan,HANG Xiao-juan
    Journal of Shenyang University of Technology. 2022, 15(3): 237-241.
    The concept of Human Destiny Community is the “Chinese proposal” proposed by General Secretary Xi Jinping from the fundamental interests of all mankind and for the future development of human society. In international community, the concept of Human Destiny Community is resisted and smeared by some capitalist countries, facing the suspicion of few developing countries, and negatively evaluated by some foreign scholars. In this regard, the shortcomings of the weaker international discourse power of China must be overcome from three aspects of strengthening international discourse power, reducing cultural discounts, and playing the positive feedback of discourse, so as to cross the barriers between Chinese and Western cultures, change the status quo of the deficiency of positive feedback of discourse, and improve the effect of external communication of the concept of Human Destiny Community.
  • LI Zhong-peng
    Journal of Shenyang University of Technology. 2022, 15(2): 133-138.
    Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era is rich in connotation and has great significance. It is not only a political declaration and a program of action for China facing the New Era, but also has great and far-reaching significance in the histories of development of developing countries, world socialist movement and progress of human society. The practical significance of it mainly lies in: Firstly, Socialism with Chinese Characteristics has entered a New Era promotes the development of world socialism, opens up a new stage of the world development of scientific socialism, provides a new path of practicing scientific socialism, and expands new space for the development of scientific socialism; Secondly, it provides an alternative path for developing countries and regions toward modernization, and the successful experience of promoting modernization in China provides effective and useful reference for vast developing countries to accelerate modernization; Thirdly, it contributes Chinese wisdom for solving global problems, which are promoting the development of global governance towards a fair and reasonable direction, advocating the provision of global public goods, and building the community of common destiny for all mankind.
  • LI Na,ZHAO Jin-ke
    Journal of Shenyang University of Technology. 2022, 15(2): 139-144.
    Since the 18th National Congress of Communist Party of China, Xi Jinping has paid close attention to the changes of domestic and foreign situations with profound and lofty cultural strategic thinking. He focuses on the requirements of modern cultural development in globalization, and puts forward a series of viewpoints and methods about socialist cultural construction with Chinese Characteristics in the New Era in the practical course of exploring cultural construction. The overall logic path of socialist cultural construction with Chinese Characteristics in the New Era is set up from 7 dimensions including theoretical guidance, thoughts leading, positive innovation, development motivation, strategic task, development path and strategic orientation. It has far-reaching theoretical value and social value on the aspects of strengthening cultural self-confidence, promoting the prosperity of socialist culture, building a socialist cultural power and enhancing the influence of Chinese culture, etc.
  • WANG Qing
    Journal of Shenyang University of Technology. 2022, 15(2): 145-150.
    The “modernization of harmonious coexistence of human and nature” is an original concept proposed with the transformation of the main social contradictions and the gradual deepening of the understanding of the relationship between human and nature of the Party. “Modernization of harmonious coexistence of human and nature” is on the basis of absorbing and drawing from the ecological thought of Marxism, the ecological wisdom of Chinese traditional culture, and the modernization mode beyond the traditional capitalist industrial civilization. It contains the connotation of “human and nature are life community”, the combination of economic development and environmental protection, the transcendence of western consumption alienation, and the construction of new mode of human existence. This conclusion reveals the new connotation of modernization in the New Era, which is conducive to enhance the discourse power and influence of China in global environmental governance, and to resolve the principle social contradictions in New Era China.
  • TANG Li-jin,WANG Hui-nan
    Journal of Shenyang University of Technology. 2022, 15(1): 46-52.
    The thought of Community of Free Individuals is an important discourse of Marx on the development of people in future society, while the thought of Community of Shared Future for Mankind is the Chinese solution of dealing with the wave of globalization proposed by Xi Jinping. Both of them have the inheritance theoretical origin, but it does not mean that they are equal, and furthermore they should not be confused arbitrarily. They are fundamentally different in historical inheritance, construction perspectives, reality opportunity, realization means and ultimate goal. To clarify the relationship between them, especially to point out their differences under the New Era, are of great theoretical value and practical significance for determining the historical orientation of thought of Community of Free Individuals and the scientific orientation of thought of Community of Shared Future for Mankind.
  • LUO Shun-yuan,LIANG Wen-xuan
    Journal of Shenyang University of Technology. 2022, 15(1): 53-58.
    The concept of life community is one of the core contents of ecological civilization thought of Xi Jinping. Its scientific connotation can be grasped from three aspects of the cognition, construction and guarantee of the relationship between human and nature. From the dimension of cognition, it must be realized that human and nature are symbiotic and prosperous life community, and the concept of lucid waters and lush mountains are invaluable assets must be established and practiced. From the dimension of construction, the economy should gradually become industrial ecologicalization and ecological industrialization, a green and healthy lifestyle should be cultivated, and ecological civilization should be constructed together by concentric force. From the dimension of guarantee, the values of socialist ecological civilization should be led by education, the construction of beautiful China should be guaranteed by legal institution, and the improvement of ability of ecological restoration and ecological governance should be ensured by developing ecological technology. The concept of life community of Xi Jinping guides correct direction for the construction of ecological civilization in China and the world, which has important theoretical significance and practical values.
    Journal of Shenyang University of Technology. 2022, 15(1): 59-63.
    Xi Jinping’s important exposition on ideology is a guide for the ideological work in the New Era in China. It has distinct characteristics of the time:its theoretical construction embodies the coupling of political authority, theoretical authority and historical succession; its value guidance embodies the unity of flag issue, people standpoint and party spirit principle; its practice strategy embodies the integration of comprehensive leadership, scientific communication and deepening reform. An in-depth understanding of the characteristics of Xi Jinping’s important exposition on ideology is of great significance to the ideological work in the New Era.
  • PANG Min
    Journal of Shenyang University of Technology. 2021, 14(2): 144-149.
    People-oriented development thought has a complete and rigorous triple triple logic system: the theoretical logic, the practical logic and the value logic. The theoretical logic lies in adhering to and developing Marxist materialism, learning and enriching the basic core of the excellent Chinese traditional ideology and culture, and summing up and drawing lessons from the Chinese theoretical experience of social development. The practical logic lies in summarizing the practical experience of General Secretary Xi Jinping rooted in the grass-roots level and the lessons learned from the process of Chinese historical practice. Based on theory and guided by practice, the Central Committee with Xi Jinping as general secretary put people-oriented development thought into all aspects of governing the country and administering the government, it is the development and transcendence of traditional people-based thinking, which has specific value logic and significance for the development of Socialism with Xi Jinping Chinese Characteristics in the New Era, the realization of the Chinese dream and the construction of the community of human destiny.
  • WANG Fang-ling
    Journal of Shenyang University of Technology. 2021, 14(2): 150-155.
    As an organ newspaper sponsored by the Provisional Central Government of the Soviet Republic of China, the cartoons published in Red China play a unique role in construction of revolutionary discourse of the Communist Party of China. The cartoons of Red China construct the revolutionary discourse of the Communist Party of China in exposing the shameful crime of Imperialism and the Kuomintang, interpreting the revolutionary strategy of the Communist Party of China. It shows the characteristics of popularity, authenticity and infectivity, exerts the function of mobilization of Anti-Japanese War and promotion of Sinicization and popularization of Marxism, which has important reference significance for enriching and perfecting of reform discourse of Communist Party of China in the New Ara.
  • LI Yan
    Journal of Shenyang University of Technology. 2021, 14(2): 156-160.
    The issue of human nature runs through the whole process of development of Marx’s thought, and is the cornerstone and hinge of understanding Marxist. In the Manuscript of Economics and Philosophy in 1844, starting from the exploration of practice activity, Marx comprehensively expounded that human nature is the unity of nature and society, passivity and initiative, speciesbeing essence and individualessence, and is the “free and conscious activity”. His thought has not only the theoretical significance of founding and enriching Marx’s thought of human science, but also the practical significance of guiding real society.
  • CHEN Xiao-hui,HAN Li
    Journal of Shenyang University of Technology. 2021, 14(1): 35-40.
    Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China(CPC), the Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core has been attaching great importance to and comprehensively carrying out the political inspection according to the profound changes of world conditions, national conditions, and party conditions, which has achieved significant results. To further deepen the political inspection, it is necessary to clarify the objective requirements of political inspection, strengthen the construction of political inspection team, improve the transformation mechanism of political inspection results, and establish and improve the connection mechanism between the political inspection and other supervision systems.
  • TANG Li-jin,WANG Hui-nan
    Journal of Shenyang University of Technology. 2021, 14(1): 41-46.
    Ideological construction is the important content of national governance system. After the major political judgment that Socialism with Chinese Characteristics has entered the New Era is made in the report of 19th National Congress of Communist Party of China, ideological governance is paid great attention by the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as its Core. The Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as its Core takes the leadership of Party as principle, the enhancement of cultural self-confidence as basis, the highlighting of people’s subject status as core, the enhancement of propaganda work as guarantee. The construction of ideological discourse right is continuously promoted through paths of developing great power diplomacy and enhancing international identity etc., the core position of socialist ideology is committed to firmly established, the stabilization and normalization development of ideology is promoted, so as to exert the leading and guiding functions of ideology. A strong, far-reaching and distinctive unique ideological discourse system that is popular with the mass and can be recognized internationally is formed by the series of measures, which opens up a new path for ideological construction and a new situation for the construction of ideological discourse power.
  • CHEN Yan-chao,CHENG Jia-qi
    Journal of Shenyang University of Technology. 2021, 14(1): 47-52.
    Modernization theory of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics in the New Era is formed gradually on the basis of adhering to the basic theoretical viewpoint of Marxism, inheriting the theoretical viewpoint of Chinese socialist modernization from the predecessors, and being combined with the situation of economic and social development and the requirements of modernization construction. It deepens the understanding and comprehension of the connotation of modernization, expands the objectives of modernization construction, emphasizes the modernization of institution and system, and creatively proposes the Chinese Dream. The innovation of modernization theory of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics in the New Era not only extends the theory of Chinese modernization, but also provides the Chinese wisdom and Chinese plan for other developing countries to choose the road of modernization development.
  • LI Hui-fang
    Journal of Shenyang University of Technology. 2020, 13(6): 559-563.
    Xie Juezai became a member of Communist Party of China in early years. He had adhered to the belief of Marxism and fought for the Communist ideal. Although he was in an important higher-rank position, he was never arrogant due to his past accomplishment. He had always been plain in his style of living, sought truth from facts, and had been strict in self-discipline. He dedicated selflessly to motherland and the people, and vividly displayed the feelings for the people and the noble sentiments of the Communists. To Study his party conducts and family customs will benefit the setting of glorious model for Party members, cadres and young people, and promote the formation of their correct outlook on life and values.
  • LI Ming-zhu
    Journal of Shenyang University of Technology. 2020, 13(6): 564-568.
    The thought of “people-centered” development proposed in the report of the 19th National Congress of CPC has rich ethical connotations. The formation of the thoughts of development by the people, development for the people and development achievements shared by the people has its internal endogenous logic. It takes the ethical thought of Marxism as theoretical basis, takes the people-oriented idea of Chinese traditional political ethics as cultural origin, and takes the needs of times as driving force of resolving major social contradictions.It runs through all the theories and practices of the Party and the State as a main line of the thought of “people-centered” development, which is the ethical value strived for and practiced by the people and the leadership of Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core, and is reflected in all aspects of the construction of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era.