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  • 国际竞争与产业安全
    MENG Xiang-ming;TANG Qian-hui
    As a forward-looking new type of cross-border trade pattern, electronic commerce of cross-border trade has just started in China, which will become the development trend of foreign trade in China. In 2012, five cities were listed as experimental units of electronic commerce of cross-border trade in China, in order to explore and attempt the new type of trade method. It acquires initial progress, but some constraining factors still exist in aspects of customs clearance efficiency, logistics, electronic payment and drawback, etc. Based on analyzing the origin of problems above, the countermeasures of promoting healthy development of electronic commerce of cross-border trade in China are discussed in order to provide reference for the further development of commerce of cross-border trade in China.
  • 管理与实务
    QIAO Fang-li;YANG Jun;HOU Qiang;XU Wei
    . 2010, 3(3): 268-273.
    New strategic industries play an important role in the optimization and upgrade of industry and the transformation of economic growth mode. Based on the expatiation of the connotation, the features and key factors for evolution of new strategic industry, the evaluation indicator system and evaluation method model are constructed, which provide solution for the selection of new strategic industries in Liaoning Province. The analyzing results show that the development of new strategic industries in Liaoning Province should pay attention to some equipment manufacturing industries with very obvious advantages, namely, aerospace technology, high-grade numerical machine tool, and shipping equipment etc., and to some industries with basic advantages, namely, biological medicine, oceanography, environment protection technology, new material, and new energy etc.
  • 经济理论与应用
    KONG Yuan
    . 2010, 3(4): 335-341.
    According to the statistics of international logistics and trade of China from 2002 to 2008, impulse response function based on VAR model is applied to fulfill dynamic empirical analysis on the relationship between international logistics and international trade. The result shows that the development of modern logistics industry can significantly improve the level of Chinese international trade. However, the rapidly developing international trade of China has weak pulling effect on the development of logistics industry. The international trade structure that processing trade takes the main proportion and lack of trade competitiveness, and the lack of effective supply of international logistics service are the main reasons for the insignificant driving effect of international trade on logistics industry.
  • 文化比较研究
    SHAO Tong
    . 2011, 4(1): 92-96.
    It is of very important theoretic value and practical significance in cross-cultural intercommunion knowing and mastering the orienting function of differences between Chinese and western social value systems and corresponding rules, thereby to solve and avoid the cultural conflicts and blocks, and to enhance the actual skills of crosscultural intercommunion. Through comparative analysis of the concrete representations of differences between Chinese and western social culture in cross-cultural intercommunion, three different characteristics are summurized in communication principle and mode, communication timing orientation and detailed communication form. It is pointed out that on the standpoint of tolerance and identification to culture differences, the modern value of Chinese traditional culture should be explored, and the beneficial element of western culture should be absorbed, so as to realize the au pair dialogue and intercommunion between Chinese and western cultures.
  • 国际竞争与产业安全
    CUI Yan-juan;ZHAO Chen;XU Xiao-fei
    Financial service trade is an important part of world economy and financial development. In recent years, cross-border supply mode and commercial presence mode of financial service trade increase quickly in China, which plays important role in promoting economic growth. Taking the time series data from 1997 to 2011 in China as a sample, stationary test, co-integration test and Granger test are applied to analyze the relationship between financial service trade and economic growth in China. The result shows that there is a long term equilibrium relationship between cross-border supply mode and commercial presence mode of financial service trade and economic growth, which has positive effect on economic growth; cross-border supply mode of financial service trade is the unidirectional Granger cause of economic growth, which promotes the development of commercial presence mode of financial service.
  • 装备制造业发展研究
    XING Yu-ting;QIAO Fang-li
    . 2011, 4(3): 216-221.
    The development of equipment manufacturing industry has shown a trend of servitization in the world. To promote the process of servitization of equipment manufacturing industry has become an important measure to revitalize equipment manufacturing industry in China. Based on discussing the concept and evolution reason of servitization of equipment manufacturing industry, the input-output method is applied, and the input data of three main service elements of equipment manufacturing industry, transport and storage industry, and education and scientific research industry are selected to analyze the status quo of servitization trend of equipment manufacturing industry in China, the gap between advanced levels in other countries and in China, and the blocking factors of servitization of equipment manufacturing industry in China. Countermeasures are also proposed to promote the development of servitization of equipment manufacturing industry.
  • 管理与实务
    GU Ying-wei;LI Cai-hong
    Electric power industry is the basic industry of national economy in China. As the secondary energy, electric power plays an indispensable role as power and energy resources in production and daily life. Whether the power can be supplied sustainably and steadily has become a key factor of the healthy and stable development of national economy. Due to many factors, the operation level and energy utility efficiency of electric power industry in China are still low. Based on analyzing the status quo of energy saving and emission reduction of electric power industry, evaluation indicator system of energy saving and emission reduction of electric power industry is established, and a series of suggestions and measures on energy saving and expenditure reduction of electric power industry are proposed.
  • 管理与实务
    LIU Ying
    . 2012, 5(2): 163-167.
    The development of cultural industry is inseparable from the support of other industries. To reveal the relational degree of cultural industry and related industries has great significance for the development of cultural industry. Through constructing the grey relational model of cultural industry and related industries, the growth values of cultural industry and related industries from 2005 to 2007 are selected to analyze their relational degree. The result shows that the relational degree of manufacturing industry and cultural industry is higher, while the relational degree of business industry, education industry and cultural industry is lower.
  • 管理与实务
    . 2008, 1(3): 239-244.


  • 教育教学研究
    ZHENG Hai-ying;ZHENG Ya-liang
    . 2010, 3(2): 175-178.
    The information construction in colleges and universities is a propeller for the educational development and reform, and also one of the important means and approaches to realize the leap frog development of education. The social renovation caused by information technology impacts the teaching and management of higher education from aspects of philosophy, mode, means and tools, etc. Through analyzing the status quo and problems of information construction in Chinese colleges and universities, the developing trends of it are discussed. Furthermore, countermeasures and suggestions are brought forward from perspectives of leader recognition, proper cognition, resource exploitation and team construction, etc. to clarify the importance and imminence of enhancing information construction in colleges and universities.
  • 专题论坛:金融危机下辽宁产业发展研究
    ZHANG Qing-shan;XU Wei
    . 2009, 2(4): 289-296.
    The equipment manufacturing industry plays an important strategic role in the development of the national economy and regional economy. Based on the analysis of the advantages and drawbacks of equipment manufacturing industry in Liaoning Province, the strategic positioning for its development is defined, which is upgrading and coordinating. The upgrading approaches of equipment manufacturing industry in Liaoning Province are pointed out from the aspects of technology and product, manufacturing system and enterprise, equipment manufacturing base, elevation of industrial chain, and development potential, etc. The solutions of coordinated development of equipment manufacturing industry are proposed in terms of producer services, resource and environment, and management system and policy support, etc.
  • 管理与实务
    GAO Hong-wei
    . 2011, 4(2): 141-146.
    The enterprise-university-research institute cooperation pattern is an institutional arrangement for cooperative innovation of universities, research institutes and enterprises. An effective cooperation pattern can reduce the uncertainty and risk during the process of cooperative innovation, and improve the effectiveness of cooperative innovation of enterprises, universities, and research institutes. Based on analyzing the influencing factors of selection of enterprise-university-research institute cooperation, related theories of game theory is applied to construct a model of pattern selection of enterprise-university-research institute cooperation. Two kinds of usual patterns of enterprise-university-research institute cooperation in practice are analyzed, namely, the technical cooperation and the cooperative research and development, which conclude that the differences of resource and ability endowment of participators and the degree of how they trust each other are the key factors deciding the pattern selection of enterprise-university-research institute cooperation and its evolvement. A case of the cooperation of Fushun Huahai and Tsinghua University is selected as adduction.
  • 经济理论与应用
    SUN Ying-jie;WANG Shu;Qiu Liu
    . 2009, 2(3): 220-224.
    The urbanization in China authentically starts after the foundation of the new China and experiences two phases of spontaneity and consciousness, which are divided by the reform and openingup. The developing process of urbanization in China shows various characteristics, such as passiveness before activeness, faster vocational transmission than regional concentration of labor force, greater policy effectiveness than market benefit, imbalance of urbanization level between regions, and incoordination of the evolution of employment structure and industry structure. Based on the retrospect of the urbanization process and its characteristics in China, this article analyzes the level of urbanization in China and discusses the gap and trend of urbanization in order to provide basis for the research and formulation of urbanization strategies.
  • 民主与法
    ZUO Ping-fan
    . 2009, 2(1): 80-87.
    This paper aims to institute a legal system of deadlined governance with adaptability and operability in China. On the basis of the inspection of the problems existing in the legal system of deadlined governance in China, comparative study is carried out between the Deadlined Environmental Improvement Order in Japan and the Environmental Administrative Compliance Order and Consent Decree (Consent Agreement) in the United States of America. It argues that the legal nature of deadlined governance is nonpunitive environmental administrative contract for the public interest. It emphasizes the process of consultation. New proposals are projected on the matters of applicable objects, scope, procedure, and especially the implementation guarantee mechanism. A suggestion is proposed that an Environmental Proceeding System for the Public Interest on deadlined governance in China bet established in reference to the environmental civil action legal system of the United States of America.
  • 专题论坛:科技创新要素与机制研究
    GAO Cui-juan;YIN Zhi-hong
    Due to resource constraint, most of small and medium-sized enterprises(SMEs)in China are lack of independent innovation capability. Therefore, the independent innovation capability is divided into R& D capability of independent innovation, transformation capability of independent innovation and management capability of independent innovation based on in-depth analysis of published literatures. Strategies are brought forward according to these composing elements for SMEs to develop their independent innovation capability, namely, to enhance researches on innovation strategy, to adhere multiple innovation modes, to establish open R& D center, to adopt comprehensive open innovation strategy, and to enhance management of technological innovation.
  • 经济理论与应用
    CHEN Jing;LI Dan
    The inflence of population aging on household consumption structure of residents in rural and urban areas in China is studied in detail. According to adjusted AIDS model, quantitative analysis is accomplished on the influences of child dependency ratio and elderly dependency ratio on kinds of consumption expenditure. Conclusion is drawn based on the descriptive statistics of related indicators of consumption structure of aged people in China through the data of CHALS. The current pension mode in China largely depends on family support, parents still provide economic support and help for their grown-up children, and the transfer of wealth between generations can not be transformed into effective social investment. If no more social pension organizations can be established and the social security system can not be perfected, the problem of social pension will become great obstacle of restraining consumption and blocking the health development of investment and financing system in China after it entering serious aging stage.
  • 管理与实务
    WANG Bi-feng;WANG Hai-lan;ZHANG Guang-jun
    . 2009, 2(3): 228-233.
    Since the implementation of the strategy for revitalizing the old industrial bases in northeast China, the economy of Liaoning Province has made a big progress. However, the development of service industry, especially the modern producer service industry still has some problems in Liaoning Province, such as the insufficient amount of service, the lower level of service, the under marketization, and the short supply of relevant human resource, which does not gear to the rapid development of manufacturing industries. Based on the analysis of the status quo of producer service industry development, some suggestions are put forward, such as placing emphasis on the development strategically and reinforcing investmend and support, implementing industry merging strategy on the basis of equipment manufacturing industry, accepting internationally advanced producer service industry through the introduction of competition and opening policy, enhancing the talents training of producer service industry, and functioning the role of center cities to promote the development of producer service industry clusters.
  • 专题论坛:我国企业技术竞争力提升途径研究
    YIN Bo
    . 2009, 2(3): 198-202.
    The automobile industry in China has developed rapidly, but there are still a lot of problems that need to be addressed, such as the foreignrelied technology, lack of independent innovation, and so on. Combining with the three technological leadership transfers of world automobile industry, this paper analyzes the relationship between technology innovation and technology evolution curve. The development strategy of Chinese automobile industry should focus on the development of small and mediumsized cars in order to accumulate the capability of independent innovation and to foster the independent innovation system and its operating mechanism. Chinese automobile industry should also adopt the strategy on breakthrough innovation in lowend and new market to form technological path with Chinese characteristics. Critical path selection can be summarized that to improve the capacity of selfstudy in international cooperation, and then to hammer out Chinaowned brand cars through the implementation of technology, brand, talent, and product strategies.
  • 管理与实务
    GE Xin;TANG Xiao-zhong
    . 2012, 5(1): 58-64.
    To construct the evaluation indicator system of sustainable development of rural tourism has important strategic significance of implementing the sustainable development strategy of rural tourism and promoting the new socialist countryside construction. Based on literature analysis, expert interview and questionnaire survey, the SPSS 13.0 is applied to analyze the data. The evaluation indicators of sustainable development of rural tourism are optimized. A set of evaluation indicator system with higher reliability and validity is constructed. The weights of each evaluation indicator are determined by applying analytic hierarchy process, so as to further improve the applicability of the evaluation indicator system.
  • 管理与实务
    WU Er-jiao
    . 2011, 4(1): 61-65.
    By applying the co-integration theory and Granger causality test method, empirical study is carried out on the relationship between scientific and technological innovation efficiency and economic growth. The causality and quantitative relationship between economic growth and the number of articles embodied by the three main citation systems, the number of patent applications, and the technical market turnover from 1990 to 2007 in Guangdong Province are studied, so as to clarify the functional relationship between economic growth and the output and conversion efficiencies of scientific and technological innovation. The result shows that scientific and technological innovation is the causation of economic growth in Guangdong Province, but its influence on economic growth is limited. The co-integration relationship and one-way causality between output efficiency of scientific and technological innovation and economic growth are true, it has a positive promoting effect on economic growth, but the effect is not significant. The conversion efficiency of scientific and technological innovation and economic growth do not have long-term stable equilibrium relationship, but it is the Granger cause of economic growth. Based on analyzing the valid data in Guangdong Province, the disadvantages of scientific and technological development mode nowadays are discussed, and policy suggestions are brought forward.
  • 专题论坛:利用外资振兴辽宁老工业基地研究
    LIU Xiu-ling
    . 2009, 2(1): 6-10.
    One of the most crucial issues to be solved urgently now in Liaoning Province is to quickly raise the technology level of equipment manufacturing industry and to develop and strengthen its core competitiveness. Core techniques could be acquired through international technological mergers and acquisitions. The integration, absorption and assimilation of the acquired technology can greatly facilitate the improvement of innovation capability and R&D level of the enterprises, and hence enhance core competitiveness of the enterprises. This paper analyses the advantages of instant service effect of technology and promotion effect of technological innovation in the process of improvement of core competitiveness through international technical merger and acquisition. Some precautions are suggested concerning the improvementof core competitiveness of equipment manufacturing industry in Liaoning Province through internationaltechnical mergers and acquisitions from the perspectives of technological level, technological market and corporate governance.
  • 装备制造业发展研究
    JIN Zhong;SONG Qing-jin;GUO Qiong;LI Jin-xin
    High-end equipment manufacturing industry is one of the seven major new strategic industries in China. To promote the technological innovation capability of it can enhance the competitiveness of high-end equipment manufacturing industry, which is of great significance for the development of high-end manufacturing industry. Based on the general situation of development of high-end equipment manufacturing industry in Liaoning Province and its enterprises distribution situation, the main innovation achievements and development bottleneck of technological innovation capability of high-end equipment manufacturing industry in Liaoning Province is summarized and analyzed. Strategies of improving the technological innovation capability of high-end equipment manufacturing industry in Liaoning Province are brought forward from three main aspects, namely, to perfect policy environment, to establish basic platform, and to enhance enterprise cultivation, in order to enrich the theory of technological innovation of high-end equipment manufacturing industry, provide planning proposal for the development of high-end equipment manufacturing industry in Liaoning Province, and promote the healthy and sustainable development of regional economy.
  • 经济理论与应用
    JIN Huai-yu;JIAO Li-xin
    . 2010, 3(3): 230-235.
    According to the economic inputoutput situation of 17 prefecturelevel cities of Anhui Province in 2006 and 2007, the Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) method is applied, and the evaluating indicator system is established to evaluate the regional economic development efficiency of Anhui Province. The changes of economic development efficiency in prefecture level cities of Anhui Province in the past two years are compared, the situations of redundant input and inadequate output in them are analyzed, and Projection Analyses are produced on some non-DEA efficient areas according to the analysis results of 2007, based on which corresponding suggestions are brought forward.
  • 教育教学研究
    WANG Shi-jie;ZHENG Peng;WANG Jie
    . 2009, 2(4): 373-376.
    With the rapid expansion of postgraduates enrollment and the increase of the proportion of student to supervisor, the cultivation quality of postgraduates is affected seriously. To solve this problem, supervisor group system is put forward, in which one supervisor was selected or assigned as chief supervising tutor and at the same time accept directing suggestions from other supervisors in the group during the degree thesis work. The advantages of the supervisor group system are detailedly analyzed in theory and the concrete implementation methods are discussed in practice. Some problems to be considered in the implementation process of supervisor group system are also put forward in order to guarantee the cultivation quality of postgraduate to acquire actual effect by the implementation of it.
  • 管理与实务
    CHU Jin hua;LI Hong liang
    . 2009, 2(2): 157-162.
    The emergence of E-commerce has transformed the way traditional business is done. Scholars have carried out studies of different levels and depths in this field from different perspectives, such as technology, managerial applications and organizational sciences. But the research findings are fragmented and have not formed a theoretical system yet. Based on current literatures concerning the E-commerce application among small and medium enterprises at home and abroad, this article sorts them with multiple correspondence analysis(MCA),a dimensionreducing analysis method. The research focus, potential research tedency, and research approaches applicable to E-commerce research are also pointed out among small and medium enterprises in the near future.
  • 管理与实务
    . 2008, 1(2): 165-169.


  • 管理与实务
    . 2008, 1(2): 148-150.


  • 教育教学研究
    WANG Lei;ZHENG Ya-liang
    . 2009, 2(4): 381-384.
    The rapid development of Chinese economy brought new opportunities and challenges to higher education. As the base of cultivating talents, higher education institutions should be placed at a new startpoint, to establish countermeasures and targets of talents cultivation according to the social development, and to build a platform which is helpful for innovative talents cultivation and higher education development. At present, some bottleneck problems against the development of higher education still exist, which restrict the cultivation of innovative talents. With the analysis and pectination of some factors, such as the environments of higher education talents cultivation, the mainstay ideas and cultivation goals, and the relationship between quality education and traditional education, causes of these problems are studied in order to walk out of the misunderstanding of higher education, to completely change the goals of higher education talents cultivation under new situation, and to provide highquality innovative talents for economy construction.
  • 装备制造业发展研究
    . 2011, 4(1): 18-25.
    The influencing factors of capital structure of listed companies of equipment manufacturing industry are studied. Variables are refined and extended to multiple tertiary indicators from two dimensions of macroscopic and microscopic stratifications. The positive, negative and uncertain directional influencing factors of capital structure of listed companies of equipment manufacturing industry in China are found out by factor analysis and multiple linear regression. The influencing direction and degree of each factor are obtained, and the potential reasons of them are analyzed, so as to put forward corresponding suggestions for the optimization of capital structure of listed company of equipment manufacturing industry in China.
  • 国际竞争与产业安全
    WANG LU-ning
    . 2010, 3(4): 326-329.
    The green procurement legislation of Chinese government started later. To explore it deeply and improve it gradually is conducive to the exertion of policy functions of green procurement system of the government. The shortages of green procurement system of Chinese government are analyzed from perspectives of legislative effect level, specific procurement procedures, legal supervision procedures, and procurement price barriers etc., and the improving measures are proposed correspondingly. The measures include constituting government green procurement law, focusing on improving the legal system of implementing methods of government, perfecting the legal supervisory mechanism green procurement, and fostering green products in the legal system of government green procurement and related legal systems.