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  • XUE Xiao-jian,WANG Li-wan
    Journal of Shenyang University of Technology. 2019, 12(5): 385-408.
  • 国际竞争与产业安全
    MENG Xiang-ming;TANG Qian-hui
    As a forward-looking new type of cross-border trade pattern, electronic commerce of cross-border trade has just started in China, which will become the development trend of foreign trade in China. In 2012, five cities were listed as experimental units of electronic commerce of cross-border trade in China, in order to explore and attempt the new type of trade method. It acquires initial progress, but some constraining factors still exist in aspects of customs clearance efficiency, logistics, electronic payment and drawback, etc. Based on analyzing the origin of problems above, the countermeasures of promoting healthy development of electronic commerce of cross-border trade in China are discussed in order to provide reference for the further development of commerce of cross-border trade in China.
  • 民主与法
    SU Chang-qiang;RUAN Miao-hong
    . 2009, 2(3): 259-263.
    Environmental protection concerns human future and destiny directly, and affects the survival and development of each country, region, family, and man. In recent years, through active advocating and continuous efforts of international society, many western countries have made environmental protection their strategic consideration of national economic and social development. They have made strong environmental protection laws, policies and measures according to the actual situation of their countries to ensure the sustainable development of society. Combining with the Outlook on Scientific Development, the evolution courses of environmental protection laws in western countries are analyzed and summarized. It also points out that the ultimate value of environmental protection law is peopleoriented, and analyzes the developing trends of it.
  • 文化比较研究
    SHAO Tong
    . 2011, 4(1): 92-96.
    It is of very important theoretic value and practical significance in cross-cultural intercommunion knowing and mastering the orienting function of differences between Chinese and western social value systems and corresponding rules, thereby to solve and avoid the cultural conflicts and blocks, and to enhance the actual skills of crosscultural intercommunion. Through comparative analysis of the concrete representations of differences between Chinese and western social culture in cross-cultural intercommunion, three different characteristics are summurized in communication principle and mode, communication timing orientation and detailed communication form. It is pointed out that on the standpoint of tolerance and identification to culture differences, the modern value of Chinese traditional culture should be explored, and the beneficial element of western culture should be absorbed, so as to realize the au pair dialogue and intercommunion between Chinese and western cultures.
  • 文化比较研究
    MA Jin
    . 2011, 4(4): 377-380.
    The diet culture is a miniature of social activities, which represents the concept of social intercourse of people. To understand the diet difference is conducive to furthering the respective characteristics and promoting the assimilation of the Chinese and Western diet cultures, and is directive for promoting the development of tourism industry in China. From the perspective of diet culture, the cultural connotation and social extension of it are explored from three aspects, namely, the differences of diet concept, diet content and diet manner between China and Western countries.
  • 专题论坛:辽宁省外经贸回顾与展望
    LI Hui;HAN Jing-yu
    . 2008, 1(4): 309-313.

    The study is made to the problems and countermeasures of the export trade of agricultural products of Liaoning Province. Through the analysis of the current situation, the main problems of agricultural product export are summarized, such as the lower addedvalue of agricultural products, the increasingly stricter trade barriers to agricultural products, the lower safety of quality of agricultural products, the weaker competitiveness of agricultural products, and the stronger concentration of export markets of agricultural products. Countermeasures are proposed such as optimizing the commodity structure of agricultural products, promoting the standardization of agriculture, developing the organic agricultural products, strengthening the construction of export production bases, exploring diversified export markets, and reinforcing the service function to the export trade of agricultural products, so as to enlarge the export scale of agricultural products of Liaoning Province.

  • 管理与实务
    WANG Qun;ZHU Xiao-ying
    With the development of internet and appearance of the big data era, the enterprises have had the ability to master and handle huge amounts of data. Applying the big data as a new concept in the field of human resource management has brought great opportunities and challenges to enterprises. With big data as the background, through the analysis of the relationship between big data and human resource management, the four types of big data in human resource management are summarized into four types of data, i.e., basic data, ability data, efficiency data and potential data. An innovative mode of six modules is suggested in human resource management based on the big data, which is a reflection of the great value of big data in the better promotion of innovation in human resource management, and point out the direction of innovation of human resources management system. Precautions are proposed in the innovation to overcome the economic and security problems in the coupling of human resource management and big data.
  • 管理与实务
    WANG Jun;WANG Fei
    . 2010, 3(1): 52-54.
    Attribution theory is a kind of psychological theory, which concerns how people explain the behavior of their own or others and how this kind of explanation affects the emotion, motivation and behavior of people. This article bases on the dimension of psychology, redefines and surveys managerial decision from a particular perspective of attribution bias. If decision makers can make rational and objective attribution judgement concerning the possible happenings and their results, the objectivity and reliability of decisions can be improved during managerial decisions.
  • 文化比较研究
    ZUO Dan-hong;WANG Ya-guang
    As the gems of cultural classics of the world, myths and legends have always been respected and spread by the people, no matter in China or western countries. Hero is an indispensable part of myths and legends. There are obvious differences between the hero images in Chinese myths and legends, and western myths and legends represented by ancient Greek. It reflects the differences of cultural concepts between China and western countries. Hero images with respective characteristics in Chinese and western myths and legends are shaped by the factors of geographical origin, value concept, aesthetic awareness, etc., and different value concepts are borne by the heroes. To compare the images of heroes in Chinese and western myths and legends will benefit the inheritance and development of noble hero spirits, such as yearning for freedom, pursuing truth, goodness and beauty, and praising virtue and punishing vice, etc., which are eulogized in myths and legends. With the current economic globalization and integration, it benefits the understanding and communication between the East and the West, and the construction of a harmonious and inclusive world to explore the psychological and cultural factors of forming images of heroes in Chinese and western myths and legends on deeper level.
  • 教育教学研究
    WANG Shi-jie;ZHENG Peng;WANG Jie
    . 2009, 2(4): 373-376.
    With the rapid expansion of postgraduates enrollment and the increase of the proportion of student to supervisor, the cultivation quality of postgraduates is affected seriously. To solve this problem, supervisor group system is put forward, in which one supervisor was selected or assigned as chief supervising tutor and at the same time accept directing suggestions from other supervisors in the group during the degree thesis work. The advantages of the supervisor group system are detailedly analyzed in theory and the concrete implementation methods are discussed in practice. Some problems to be considered in the implementation process of supervisor group system are also put forward in order to guarantee the cultivation quality of postgraduate to acquire actual effect by the implementation of it.
  • 文化比较研究
    LI Tao
    Time orientation is one of the key ingredients of non-verbal communication. Great differences exist in time orientation between China and Western countries, which easily lead to misunderstanding and conflict during cross-cultural communication. Based on monochromic time and polychromic time theories of Edward Twitchell Hall and time orientation theory of Kluckhohn and Strodtbeck, the differences of time orientation between China and Western countries are analyzed and compared, so as to avoid the misunderstanding and failure during communication, and successfully achieve cross-cultural communication.
  • 专题论坛:金融危机下辽宁产业发展研究
    ZHANG Qing-shan;XU Wei
    . 2009, 2(4): 289-296.
    The equipment manufacturing industry plays an important strategic role in the development of the national economy and regional economy. Based on the analysis of the advantages and drawbacks of equipment manufacturing industry in Liaoning Province, the strategic positioning for its development is defined, which is upgrading and coordinating. The upgrading approaches of equipment manufacturing industry in Liaoning Province are pointed out from the aspects of technology and product, manufacturing system and enterprise, equipment manufacturing base, elevation of industrial chain, and development potential, etc. The solutions of coordinated development of equipment manufacturing industry are proposed in terms of producer services, resource and environment, and management system and policy support, etc.
  • 专题论坛:后金融危机时代经济增长与转型
    FU Dai-shan;WANG He
    The motivation and causes of economic growth in China are analyzed in detail by applying AD-AS model, which finds that there are two kinds of motivations and causes of aggregate demand and aggregate supply that maintain long-term rapid economic growth in China. From aspect of demand, the growth of investment, government procurement expenditure, net export and money supply improve the level of aggregate demand, which pulls economic growth. From aspect of supply, the increase of population and the supply; the transfer of labour force from the primary industry to the secondary and the tertiary industries does not reduce the output of the primary industry, however, it improves the production capacity of the secondary and the tertiary industries greatly; the development of technological level improves the marginal output capacity of factors and perfects the production function; and the continuous deepening economic reform releases huge economic vitality and arouses infinite potential of production. These factors compose the resultant force of increasing effective supply together, which promotes economic growth. Supply factor is the characteristic factor of maintaining long-term rapid economic growth in China, and it is the special factor distinguished from many developed countries. Conclusion is drawn at last that it is completely possible for China to maintain rapid economic growth for a longer period of time in the future.
  • 文化比较研究
    ZHOU Ying;MA Jin
    . 2012, 5(3): 285-288.
    Rooted in respective different cultural tradition, the family value concepts of China and USA show differences in various aspects as value yardstick of behavior and evaluation standard of people in the two countries. As the magnum opus of the second generation Chinese American writer, the Joy Luck Club serves as a perfect sample to discuss the family value concepts of China and USA. Obvious differences can be found on the concept and status of family, the concept of marriage, and the concept of family education. The deep reason of differences of family value concepts of the two countries is examined by applying human holistic view of history, so as to deepen the understanding and increase the communication between these two countries to construct a more harmonious world.
  • 专题论坛:新时期党内民主建设研究
    CHEN Yan-chao;CAO Yuan-yuan
    . 2010, 3(2): 102-106.
    Beginning with the understanding of the connotation of democratic centralism, the relationship between democracy and centralization involved in this organizational principle is analyzed; the emergence and progress are reviewed briefly of the organizational principle of democratic centralism of Communist Party of China. Based on it, the framework of further improving the democratic centralism principle is proposed, namely, to handle the relationship between right and fairness properly when strengthening the basis of democracy; to handle the relationship between collective leadership and individual responsibility properly during the process of centralization; and to handle the relationship between democracy and centralization of superior and inferior organizations properly.
  • 文化比较研究
    SHANG Fei-fei;LIU Yang
    Death is the final destination of one’s life. A funeral is the last memorial ceremony of life and conveys the expectation of surpassing death. There are remarkable differences in Chinese and Western traditional funeral customs in terms of organizers and procedures, location and construction of graves, funeral tunes and funeral goods, etc., which reflect the vast difference of Chinese and western cultures. Influenced by urbanization and spreading of western culture in China, modern funeral ceremonies in China tend to be procedure-fixed and culture-mixed. In this multi-cultural age, China should inherit and carry forward its brilliant traditional culture, as well as getting rid of feudalistic superstition, so that it can play a leading role in culture.
  • 装备制造业发展研究
    WANG Zhu-fang;MIAO Wen-qing
    . 2011, 4(4): 315-318.
    The construction of informationized public service platform can effectively shorten the design and production period of products of equipment manufacturing industry, realize the informationization of enterprise management, and improve the innovation ability of enterprise. Based on analyzing the demand of equipment manufacturing industry in Liaoning Province to informationization public service platform, the functional modules are described; the ASP service mode system platform is designed based on multilevel systematical structure. The key techniques of ERP, CAD, MES, CIMS and security technology etc. are analyzed so as to provide reference for perfecting the informationization public service platform.
  • 文化比较研究
    LI Qiu
    Face is an universal social and cultural phenomenon. The face politeness theories of Penelope Brown and Stephen C. Levinson are introduced, and the differences of maintaining face between China and Western countries are illustrated: Chinese culture tends to maintain the positive face, while Western culture pay more attention to the negative face of communicators. The oringin of difference of Chinese and Western face concepts is analyzed from perspectives of history and value system: Chinese face concept is rooted in collectivism and Confucius culture, while Western face concept is deeply influenced by individualism values and contract spirit. Nowadays, along with the increasingly development of cross-cultural communication, misunderstanding and conflict caused by cultural difference should be tried to avoid, in order to gurantee cross-cultural communication to run smoothly.
  • YU Zhao-ji,ZHANG Jia-tong
    Journal of Shenyang University of Technology. 2017, 10(1): 58-63.
    Grounded theory is one of the most widely used methods in qualitative research, which is also one of the most misunderstood methods by researchers. On the basis of literature review, the origin of grounded theory is systematically discussed, the development schools of grounded theory and the similarities and differences among the three versions are introduced. Examples are given to illustrate the research and application of domestic and foreign researchers in the fields of education, psychology and sociology, in order to help researchers understand the essence and connotation of grounded theory. On the basis of correctly mastering the research methods and processes of grounded theory, the current situation and development goals in China are combined, the applicability and practicality of the research on grounded theory are improved further.
  • 专题论坛:新时期党内民主建设研究
    YANG Nai-kun;WANG Shu-yuan;GUO Xiu-fen
    . 2010, 3(2): 107-111.
    The “Decisions of a Number of Significant Issues of CPC Central Committee on Strengthening and Improving Party Construction under New Situation” passed by the 4th Plenary Session of 17th Congress of the Party points out that the Party will “persist in and perfect democratic centralism, develop intra-Party democracy actively; ensure the subject position and democratic rights of Party members; focus on implementing the rights of being informed, participating, voting and supervising of Party members, further improve the participation degree of Party members in intra-Party affairs, exert the subject function of Party members in intra-Party activities; promote the openness of Party affairs, perfect the notification system of intra-Party affairs, publicize intra-Party information timely, and smooth the channels of intra-Party information exchange between superior and inferior organizations.” To implement and fulfill these spirits, the fundamental principles of intra-Party democracy are needed to be understood and comprehended profoundly, which includes principles of equality, majority rule and protecting minority, openness and free discussion, election, democratic centralism, and supervision and discipline.
  • LI Yuan,SUN Bi-ning,NI Zhi-gang
    Journal of Shenyang University of Technology. 2017, 10(2): 118-124.
    The decision of referendum of Britain to exit European Union(Brexit)is prompted jointly by the reasons such as political differences and economic development constraints between Britain and European Union for a long time, and the flashpoint of the heavy burden of immigration. The trade relation between Britain and European Union is analyzed. It is found that the trade of Britain occupies an important position in European Union, which also has close relationship with European Union import and export trade. The status quo of trade of Britain and China is analyzed. It is found that the trade between Britain and China is developing well, but the degree of trade integration is not high. After the Brexit, Britain will no longer enjoy the preferential terms of trade of the member state of the European Union. The impacts may include but not be limited to such phenomena as the increase in the Sino-British volume of import and export trade, the expansion of Sino-British trade scale, the decrease of Sino-British trade surplus, and the appearance of new pattern of Sino-British trade policies.
  • 管理与实务
    YU Wang-yang;ZHANG Yong-ping;LI Hong
    . 2010, 3(1): 66-69.
    Group is the basic unit in company structure. It is an effective way of construct economical company to carry out group cost accounting continuously and permanently so as to promote energy saving and carbon dioxide emission reduction, reduce money expenditure and production cost. The functions of group cost accounting in the process of realize energy saving and consumption reducing, and income increasing and costsaving of chemical plants are discussed. Some practices of group cost accounting is introduced in Jilin Petrochemical Company of China National Petroleum Corporation. Combined with the reality of the company, some problems can not be ignored in group cost accounting are analyzed, and the emphases of it are confirmed.
  • 专题论坛:辽宁省外经贸回顾与展望
    CUI Ri-ming;CHEN Fu-yu
    . 2008, 1(4): 289-296.

    Through classification and analysis of the relevant annual statistical trade data of Liaoning Province in the Statistical Almanacs since the beginning of reform and open policy, the 30year development history of international trade in Liaoning Province is reviewed from such aspects as the scales of import and export, types of trading, trade partners, commodity structures and so on, which finds out that the international trade in Liaoning Province has experienced three stages roughly. Based on the above analysis, the experienceand lessons of the international trade development in Liaoning Province are summarized, and the forecast of the developing prospects is made. It projects that the international competitiveness of the enterprises in Liaoning Province will be improved, the export scale of heavy industry products will further expand and lead the development of whole international trade, and the implementation of “Five Points and One Belt” strategy will expand the opening to the outside world and impel the benevolent development of international trade in Liaoning Province.

  • 经济理论与应用
    LI Yu-feng;LI Qian;YU Yang
    . 2011, 4(3): 222-227.
    In order to measure the default probability of listed companies in China, the data of non-ST listed companies and STlisted companies in the A share market of China are selected as sample based on KMV model framework. The implied volatility of share price of listed companies is calculated by applying GARCH method, and the theoretical value of dynamic default distance and default probability are acquired with the option pricing formula. Conclusion is drawn that international financial crisis has significant influence on the credit risk of listed companies in China through empirical test of calculating result and theoretical hypothesis, and that the theoretical hypothesis of KMV model dos not accord with the actual situation in China on some aspects. The direction of further research is proposed at last.
  • 专题论坛:十八大以来党的建设的创新发展
    ZHU Yan
    The construction of ideology and culture always occupies special position and has important significance in the overall undertaking of the Party and the Country. Since the 18th CPC National Congress, the construction of ideology and culture is continuously emphasized by the Party and has made many new progresses. The major ones include:the improvement of persuasion ability of theoretical fruits of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics, and the deep understanding among people of China Dream; the continuous promotion of cultivation and practice of socialist core value concepts; the streamline administration and institute decentralization, and the continuous deepening of cultural system reform; and the acquirement of people’s trust of propaganda, ideology, and cultural frontlines, and the benign development of public opinion ecology.
  • 民主与法
    ZUO Ping-fan
    . 2009, 2(1): 80-87.
    This paper aims to institute a legal system of deadlined governance with adaptability and operability in China. On the basis of the inspection of the problems existing in the legal system of deadlined governance in China, comparative study is carried out between the Deadlined Environmental Improvement Order in Japan and the Environmental Administrative Compliance Order and Consent Decree (Consent Agreement) in the United States of America. It argues that the legal nature of deadlined governance is nonpunitive environmental administrative contract for the public interest. It emphasizes the process of consultation. New proposals are projected on the matters of applicable objects, scope, procedure, and especially the implementation guarantee mechanism. A suggestion is proposed that an Environmental Proceeding System for the Public Interest on deadlined governance in China bet established in reference to the environmental civil action legal system of the United States of America.
  • 文化比较研究
    LI Tao
    Culture and communication are interdependent and inseparable. In cultural research, American anthropologist Hall proposed that culture has the character of context, and divided it into high-context and low-context cultures. Different cultural contexts influence the thinking and behavior of people. And the difference of context culture is the important reason that caused misunderstanding and failure in cross-cultural communication. The origin of high-context and low-context cultures is explored, the differences between them are compared, in order to avoid misunderstanding and conflict and benefit successful cross-cultural communication.
  • 专题论坛:科技产业金融深度融合研究
    WANG Ji-fa;XU Ze-dong;BAO Yin-tao;LI Hao-feng
    The continuous development and progress of internet finance in China bring great changes to the whole financial field, which not only promotes the innovation of financial institutions, prompt its competition consciousness, and perfects the supervision institution of capital market, but also promotes the marketization of interest rate and the development of banking industry. At the same time, the internet finance brings great impacts and influences on traditional finance mode and financial concept. The developing status quo, structural characteristics and emerging business modes of internet finance in China is analyzed, the influence of internet finance on traditional financial industry is expounded, and countermeasures are proposed of traditional financial industry from aspects of concept renewal, adjustment and transformation, and mode innovation under the impacts of internet finance.
  • 文化比较研究
    TANG Gong-zhi;WANG Chun-hui;CI Li-yan
    . 2010, 3(2): 155-158.
    In order to enhance the social identification and cross-cultural radiating competitiveness of Chinese traditional festival culture, the differences of the origins and evolutions are clarified about the Chinese and western traditional festivals, and the cultural differences are compared between China and western countries. It is believed that most of western traditional festivals are based on religionary culture especially the Christianism culture, which have stronger generality and cross-cultural naturalizing ability; while Chinese traditional festivals mainly originated from calendarian time and solar term, which have very strong secularity and pantheism. These kinds of originating and developing differences become the barriers to cross-cultural intercommunion and naturalization of traditional festivals, especially for Chinese traditional festivals to naturalize across cultures to western countries. In order to endow Chinese traditional festivals with cross-cultural radiating catholicity, reconstruction of it with the era must be carried out, including the reconstruction of social soil it rooted, and brand-new historical meanings should be endued to traditional culture.
  • 管理与实务
    HU Ying-chun;YANG Hui-juan;CHEN Meng
    . 2010, 3(1): 55-57.
    As one of the largest and earliest iron and steel enterprises in China, Anshan Iron and Steel Group Corporation (AISGC) has great advantages to develop industrial tourism. Based on investigation and research, this paper analyzes the status quo and the problems and shortcomings in the aspects of philosophy, efficiency, product content and publicity in the process of industrial tourism development in AISGC. Five countermeasures are proposed in order to help the industrial tourism to develop better, namely, to renew the mind and to increase the awareness, to design new and special products, to reinforce the cooperation of tourist and industrial enterprises, to enhance the knowledge education and cultivate professional personnel, and to operate through marketization approach.