
Comparative Study of Culture
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  • QIAO Yu-ming
    Journal of Shenyang University of Technology. 2021, 14(1): 87-91.
    Along with the development of science and technology and the popularization of Internet, international cultural communication of China has ushered in a new situation, and more and more new medias have been applied into cultural communication. As the most representative method among them, we-mediae brings benefits to the dissemination of Chinese culture, as well as some problems that cannot to be ignored. Taking the we-media “Li Ziqi” as an example, it is discussed how to make good use of we-media to enhance the “going out” of Chinese culture, so as to benefit the dissemination of Chinese culture.
  • SONG Cheng,SHEN Li-ying
    Journal of Shenyang University of Technology. 2021, 14(1): 92-96.
    Due to the differences of natural environment and races, etc., Chinese and Western cultures show different forms, and different social and historical development process intensifies the differences. Through analyzing the different characteristics of Chinese and western sports spirits, their respective cultural roots are explored, in order to enrich and develop the national culture, and contribute to the promotion of cultural diversity. Through the investigation of specific sports events, it can be found that the understanding of relationship between human and nature in China and Western countries shows different features of internality and transcendence. By exploring its cultural roots, it is believed that the fundamental way to solve the problem is to restore the integrity of relationship between human and nature.
  • WANG Jing
    Journal of Shenyang University of Technology. 2020, 13(1): 87-90.
    The development of culture industry has been an important part to the national strength and competitiveness of a country. A comparison in the development of culture industry is made between Australia and Tianjin Binhai New Area, so as to better understand the importance of the development of culture industry in inheriting the tradition and renovating the nation and rejuvenation of the national culture. The cultural industry of Binhai New Area is promoted to achieve truly innovative development under the support of effective policies, and the new development ideas are expanded under the background of globalization.
  • YI You
    Journal of Shenyang University of Technology. 2020, 13(1): 91-96.
    Through the analysis on basic situation of higher education in the United States of America, the characteristics are probed and analyzed of management system and operation mode of higher education in China and the United States of America. Specific issues and practices are compared on aspects of teacher hiring and assessment, teaching management, scientific research management, student management, post graduate education, interdisciplinary development, etc.from micro-perspectives. The challenges facing the higher education are found and the developing trend is predicted in the United States of America, in order to provide reference for deepening the reform and development of higher education in China.
  • CI Li-yan
    Journal of Shenyang University of Technology. 2018, 11(4): 375-380.
    Dante Gabriel Rossetti and Wang Wei were the two distinguished poets in Chinese and British literary history respectively. They were both poet-and-painter-in-one, thus both of their poems presented the characteristics of paintings. However, their poems had tremendous differences in themes, means of expression, views on nature and religious implication, etc. Dante Gabriel Rossetti valued individual feelings, while Wang Wei emphasized human relations. Dante Gabriel Rossetti tried to describe everything exactly in words, while Wang Wei strove for the world beyond words. Dante Gabriel Rossetti valued the demonstration of “individual” when returning to the nature, i.e.returned to the “animal nature” of humans and tried to be capricious and frank like animals. While Wang Wei stressed the vanishing of “individual” when returning to the nature, i.e. returned to the “plant nature” of humans and tried to be no sorrow and no joy like plants. Dante Gabriel Rossetti anchored his hope of happiness on afterlife, while Wang Wei advocated the redemption in this world.
  • ZHOU Ying,LI Tian-xin
    Journal of Shenyang University of Technology. 2018, 11(4): 381-384.
    Myth is the source of human civilization. It has crossed the boundaries of time and space and become the spiritual heritage of exploring national culture of Chinese and Western countries. Through contrasting the disparity of goddess image and female status of myths and legends in Chinese and Western countries, the gap of female status in the real world in Chinese and Western countries is explored of different regions, social systems and differences in values, and historical reflection is produced on the background culture of female prototype in Chinese and Western myths. The female prototypes in myth have a distinctive cultural mark of the times, which is a mirror of ancient and modern feminist research, and direction of development of feminine literature.
  • LIU Yang,SHANG Fei-fei
    Journal of Shenyang University of Technology. 2018, 11(1): 87-91.
    The time background of “mass entrepreneurship and innovation” requires inspiring the creativity of vast young students. Under the new normal of reform and development of higher education, it has become the core proposition to cultivate more innovators and entrepreneurs by innovative and entrepreneurial education for the society. There is a certain gap between China and Western countries in the concept and environment of supply and demand of innovative and entrepreneurial education. In order to provide good environment of ecological culture for innovative and entrepreneurial education in China, measures are to be taken, namely, to adjust and strengthen the concept of innovative and entrepreneurial education, to reform the cultivating mode of innovative and entrepreneurial talents, and to form the support mechanism of three-party linkages of the government, enterprises and universities.
  • GAN Xiao-ya,HUANG Ying-xue,CHENG Sang-sang
    Journal of Shenyang University of Technology. 2018, 11(1): 92-96.
    The acceleration of economic globalization brings more frequent international communication, which has greater demand of talents of intercultural communication. The construction of assessment system of intercultural communication competence of Chinese college students can not only benefit the objective assessment of their intercultural communication competence, but also promote the cultivation of intercultural communication competence of them through its washback effect. Under the integration mode of theory and practice of intercultural communication competence, the framework of multimodal assessment mode of intercultural communication competence is constructed by applying multimodal theory. The assessment object is Chinese college students, the assessment media are computer and network, the assessment content includes knowledge, consciousness, critical thought, attitude, skills and strategy. According to the principle of consistency in teaching, learning and evaluation, the evaluating modal will be kept corresponding with the teaching modal, and will be determined on the basis of preliminary classification of teaching content and teaching method.
  • LI Yue
    Journal of Shenyang University of Technology. 2017, 10(5): 472-476.
    In ubiquitous learning environment, as instructional designers, leaders, organizers and managers, college teachers must have higher information literacy with flexible and diverse learning methods and massive learning resources. The differences are contrasted between the concept, cognition and understanding of Sino-American information literacy, the construction standard of Sino-American information literacy of college teachers, and the promotion approaches and effect of Sino-American information literacy. The successful experiences of America are learned. It is helpful to construct standard of information literacy for college teachers in China, to establish ways of promoting information literacy of college teachers, and to accelerate the education modernization and implement reinvigorating strategy through human resource development in China.
  • LI Na
    Journal of Shenyang University of Technology. 2017, 10(5): 477-480.
    In the field of business English translation, trademark translation is an indispensable part of it. In the process of translating a trademark in Chinese into one in English, there is the conversion not only between the Chinese characters and the English words, but also between different cultural cognitions. Hence, the cultural difference is epitomized from different cultural cognitions. The common methods of English translation of trademarks in Chinese are discussed with some translation examples, so as to better clarify the cultural differences in the process of English translation of trademarks in Chinese.
  • MA Jin,LI Zhao-fu
    Journal of Shenyang University of Technology. 2017, 10(3): 278-282.
    As a medium of embodying culture, family is the origin of acquiring sense of belongings and social identity acceptance of individuals. Because of different natural, economic, cultural conditions and the long history of accumulation, different family ethical systems have been formed such as family oriented versus individual oriented, patriarchal human relationship versus contract human relationship, and father-son axis versus husband-wife axis, etc., in Chinese and Western countries, which constitute their respective unique family values. It will benefit the better handling of relationship among family members, such as husband and wife, and parents and children to study the difference of family ethics in Chinese and Western countries.
  • CHU Jun-jun
    Journal of Shenyang University of Technology. 2017, 10(3): 283-288.
    Sinicization is a major proposition that must be faced by every minority nationality in China after entering the central plains. After the rise of the Mongolian Yuan Dynasty and Manchu Qing Dynasty regimes, the Sinicization is carried out in different degrees, the achievements of political civilization in central plains are followed, the Confucian scholars of the Han nationality are hired in higher positions, and the cultural classics of the Han nationality are studied. Although Sinicization is not the only decisive factor for the rise and fall of the Mongolian Yuan Dynasty and Manchu Qing Dynasty regimes, the influence of Sinicization on the regimes of the two minority nationalities is enormous. The Sinicization level of minority culture regimes determines the length of rule in the Central Plains by the minority regimes to some extent. After the Mongolian Yuan entering and hosting the Central Plains, it does not intend to push forward the Sinicization of the regime, and the level of Sinicization of the regime is low. The Mongolians have to exit Central Plains and go back to the their grassland hometown within a century. In contrast, the level of Manchu Qing regime is high, the rule of the Manchu to the Central Plains lasts for more than two hundred years.
  • 文化比较研究
    SHANG Fei-fei;LIU Yang
    Death is the final destination of one’s life. A funeral is the last memorial ceremony of life and conveys the expectation of surpassing death. There are remarkable differences in Chinese and Western traditional funeral customs in terms of organizers and procedures, location and construction of graves, funeral tunes and funeral goods, etc., which reflect the vast difference of Chinese and western cultures. Influenced by urbanization and spreading of western culture in China, modern funeral ceremonies in China tend to be procedure-fixed and culture-mixed. In this multi-cultural age, China should inherit and carry forward its brilliant traditional culture, as well as getting rid of feudalistic superstition, so that it can play a leading role in culture.
  • 文化比较研究
    LI Tao
    Time orientation is one of the key ingredients of non-verbal communication. Great differences exist in time orientation between China and Western countries, which easily lead to misunderstanding and conflict during cross-cultural communication. Based on monochromic time and polychromic time theories of Edward Twitchell Hall and time orientation theory of Kluckhohn and Strodtbeck, the differences of time orientation between China and Western countries are analyzed and compared, so as to avoid the misunderstanding and failure during communication, and successfully achieve cross-cultural communication.
  • 文化比较研究
    LIU Yang;ZHOU Ying
    Ecological civilization is related to human society development and the sustainable development of resource environment, which is also the focus of national policy and the livelihood of the people in recent years. The difference between Chinese and western consumer cultures are analyzed from the perspective of ecological civilization. The analysis is carried out through examining the differences between the conservativeness and openness of Chinese and western consumption ideas, the perception and rationality of consumption emotion and intelligence, the material and spiritual essence of consumption object, and the opposites and the unity of the consumption concept. The purpose of the analysis is to give out the constructive recommendations of implementation of the top-level design, strengthening the government supervision, reconstruction of corporate culture, strengthening public ecological education on the consumption culture of China.
  • 文化比较研究
    LI Tao
    Culture and communication are interdependent and inseparable. In cultural research, American anthropologist Hall proposed that culture has the character of context, and divided it into high-context and low-context cultures. Different cultural contexts influence the thinking and behavior of people. And the difference of context culture is the important reason that caused misunderstanding and failure in cross-cultural communication. The origin of high-context and low-context cultures is explored, the differences between them are compared, in order to avoid misunderstanding and conflict and benefit successful cross-cultural communication.
  • 文化比较研究
    ZUO Dan-hong;WANG Ya-guang
    As the gems of cultural classics of the world, myths and legends have always been respected and spread by the people, no matter in China or western countries. Hero is an indispensable part of myths and legends. There are obvious differences between the hero images in Chinese myths and legends, and western myths and legends represented by ancient Greek. It reflects the differences of cultural concepts between China and western countries. Hero images with respective characteristics in Chinese and western myths and legends are shaped by the factors of geographical origin, value concept, aesthetic awareness, etc., and different value concepts are borne by the heroes. To compare the images of heroes in Chinese and western myths and legends will benefit the inheritance and development of noble hero spirits, such as yearning for freedom, pursuing truth, goodness and beauty, and praising virtue and punishing vice, etc., which are eulogized in myths and legends. With the current economic globalization and integration, it benefits the understanding and communication between the East and the West, and the construction of a harmonious and inclusive world to explore the psychological and cultural factors of forming images of heroes in Chinese and western myths and legends on deeper level.
  • 文化比较研究
    WANG Jun
    Hermeneutics thoughts were originated in ancient Greece. As an important representative of traditional thoughts of interpretation in ancient Greece, Plato formed the thoughts of mythology interpretation through interpreting mythology. However, the medieval exegetics formed the tradition of the <i>Bible</i> interpretation through interpreting the <i>Bible</i>, which is based on the development of philosophy in ancient Greece. From the perspective of inheritance of history, profound internal connection exists between Plato’s thoughts of mythology interpretation and tradition of the <i>Bible</i> interpretation. It will benefit grasping the historical origin and evolution direction of hermeneutical tradition to reveal the internal connection.
  • 文化比较研究
    LIU Yang;SHANG Fei-fei
    The arrival of new technology revolution has made great differences of internet cultures in view of audience group, application direction and management institution between China and western countries. Along with the social development and the gradual breakthrough of global regionality, the internet cultures in China and western countries are being blended more and more in aspects of philosophy, application development and supervisory measures. Internet cultures have strongly impacted original social-cultural value system. Consequently, the internet safety awareness must be strengthened, the core value concept must be adhered to, and the overall quality of internet users must be improved; the creative spirit must be exerted, and the internet industry must be optimized; and the internet supervision must be enhanced, and the internet environment must be purified, in order to promote the healthy development of internet culture in China.
  • 文化比较研究
    WANG Jun
    In western hermeneutics tradition, <i>Bible</i> is the focus of hermeneutics in medieval era as a sacred text, of which the understanding and interpretation have representative significance; while in ancient China, the interpretation thoughts in <i>Tao Te Ching</i> are the equivalence as a typical sample of Chinese hermeneutical tradition. Taking “God said” in <i>Bible</i> and “Tao produced” in <i>Tao Te Ching</i> as key clues of the two classics, the similarities and differences of them are compared and analyzed, the differences and similarities of interpretation thoughts in China and western countries in classics are revealed, which can help to clarify the different development directions of interpretation thoughts in China and western countries.
  • 文化比较研究
    LIU Feng;XU Xiao-hong
    As the most representative and important examinations to select talents in the respective country, the college entrance examination in China and the SAT in USA have long history. The characteristics in the aspect of composition examination are the most significant on the reflections of the cultural features and values, on which the difference of cultures is apparent. The different styles of composition examinations in the SAT and the college entrance examination are created by the different political, economic and cultural backgrounds, from the form of proposition, content to evaluation. All are apparent with the traits of culture. Through the analysis of composition for the college entrance examination in China and the SAT in USA, the cultural difference in China and USA is explored, which will provide useful reference in the dominant trend of the internationalization of talent cultivation.
  • 文化比较研究
    ZHI Li-li
    Farmer’s proverbs are the summary of agricultural production experiences, which widely exist in both Chinese and Italian languages. It is not only a phenomenon of language, but also a phenomenon of culture. It is not only involved in the whole process of agricultural production, but also involved in all aspects of agricultural life. The formation of culture can not be separated from the influences of natural geography and social environment. Particular culture is created by specific environment, and particular expression is formatted by the reflection of specific culture in language. From farmer’s proverbs in Chinese and Italian, discussed are the festival culture, solar term culture of both countries, and special cultures reflecting the class relationship between serfs and farmers of folk, religion, and religious calendar in Italy. The comparative analysis on farmer’s proverbs of the two countries is another path of researching the generality and individuality of Chinese and Italian cultures, which will be conducive to the cross-cultural intercommunion and friendly communication between China and Italy.
  • 文化比较研究
    LI Qiu
    Face is an universal social and cultural phenomenon. The face politeness theories of Penelope Brown and Stephen C. Levinson are introduced, and the differences of maintaining face between China and Western countries are illustrated: Chinese culture tends to maintain the positive face, while Western culture pay more attention to the negative face of communicators. The oringin of difference of Chinese and Western face concepts is analyzed from perspectives of history and value system: Chinese face concept is rooted in collectivism and Confucius culture, while Western face concept is deeply influenced by individualism values and contract spirit. Nowadays, along with the increasingly development of cross-cultural communication, misunderstanding and conflict caused by cultural difference should be tried to avoid, in order to gurantee cross-cultural communication to run smoothly.
  • 文化比较研究
    ZHOU Hong
    Successful cross-cultural communication lies in not only the understanding of cultural difference, but also the understanding of the cognition mode difference and its reasons behind cultural vacancy phenomenon. A lot of cultural vacancy phenomena exist in both Chinese and American cultures, which is the root of widely different cognitive modes between them. Based on theoretical summary of cultural vacancy, the cultural vacancy phenomena in China and America are analyzed comparatively, and the differences of cognition modes in China and America are analyzed deeply. Comparative study of the cognition modes in China and America based on cultural vacancy will help the smooth cross-cultural communication between Chinese and Americans, so as to promote the healthy development of Sino-US relationship.
  • 文化比较研究
    WANG Ya-guang
    Almost all of the major life affairs of an Englishman are inextricable with churches:from the baptism at birth, to the marriage ceremony after grown up, and even the funeral after passing away. In their daily life, going to pray in churches on weekends always accompanied with their whole life. The church culture reflects the outlooks on life and world of Englishman, going to church is a channel for them to communicate with the God, and it also shows their life consciousnesses of how to treat real life. Their outlooks on life and death are quite different from that of most Chinese people who mainly believing in Buddhism, Zen and Taoism. Recognizing the differences of religious cultures between England and China can help us to understand and handle the conflicts and difficulties arising in the communication between China and Western countries better.
  • 文化比较研究
    WANG Jing
    Since the cultural system reform is deepened by Tianjin City in 2010, how to reach the goal of promoting urban cultural diversity through the protection, inheritance and innovation of rich and colorful cultural heritage has become an important issue for culture workers. The successful practice in multi-culture policy of Australian government may provide some inspiration to Tianjin, who is exploring the coexistence of multiple cultures. Either on the aspect of policy surpport of government and folk atmosphere construction of protecting cultural heritage, or on the aspect of reaching the goal of protection and inheritance by applying non-traditional means, it should be an foundamental principle to respect individual characteristics and pursue the labor value of cultural heritage, through which can promote the flourish and advancement of society, and is conducive to harmonious society construction.
  • 文化比较研究
    DAI Xiao-gang
    . 2012, 5(4): 380-384.
    The period from the Kingdom of Wei, Jin Dynasty to Southern and Northern Dynasties was noticeable for the ethic fusion in Chinese history, during which while metaphysics is prevailing in two Jin Dynasties and Southern Dynasty, Confucianism was exceeding prevalent in Sixteen Kingdoms and Northern Dynasty. From the mid-later stage of Sixteen Kingdoms, the rulers from the Northern Barbarian tribes, such as Fu Jian from pre-Qin Dynasty and Yao Xing from post-Qin Dynasty, learned a lot of countrygoverning principles from Han rulers after Han, Wei and Jin Dynasties, which characterized as Han culture that centered to “worshiping Confucianism and vitalizing education”. It not only enormously promoted the political, economic and cultural developments of pre-Qin Dynasty and post-Qin Dynasty, but also greatly accelerated the ethnic fusion of Sixteen Kingdoms and Northern Dynasty. To compare and study the characteristics of Han culture of Fu Jian and Yao Xing is not only helpful for further understanding the historical development and its basic rules from cultural dimension during mid-later stage of Sixteen Kingdoms, but also has great enlightenments for further promoting the strategy of revitalizing the country by science and technology and strengthening the country by talents, actively carrying on and promoting Chinese traditional culture, and improving the scientific and cultural qualities of the whole nation.
  • 文化比较研究
    ZHOU Ying;MA Jin
    . 2012, 5(3): 285-288.
    Rooted in respective different cultural tradition, the family value concepts of China and USA show differences in various aspects as value yardstick of behavior and evaluation standard of people in the two countries. As the magnum opus of the second generation Chinese American writer, the Joy Luck Club serves as a perfect sample to discuss the family value concepts of China and USA. Obvious differences can be found on the concept and status of family, the concept of marriage, and the concept of family education. The deep reason of differences of family value concepts of the two countries is examined by applying human holistic view of history, so as to deepen the understanding and increase the communication between these two countries to construct a more harmonious world.
  • 文化比较研究
    LI Xing-min
    . 2012, 5(3): 281-284.
    Aimed at the difference of honesty cultures in China and Western countries, analysis and comparison are made from such four aspects as social background, function range, value orientation and restraint mechanism. Conclusions are drawn that there are differences between honesty cultures in China and Western countries in aspects of vertical one-sidedness and horizontal double-sidedness, parochialism and generality, morality and utility, and self-discipline and regulation. It inspires us that we must combine Chinese moral honesty and Western contract honesty, Chinese self-disciplined honesty and Western regulatory honesty, and to absorb the reasonable core of Western honesty culture, in order to construct new type of honesty culture which acclimatizes the demand of development of modern society in China.
  • 文化比较研究
    WANG Chun-hui;YANG Huai-guo
    . 2011, 4(4): 381-384.
    Cultural difference often leads to conflict, which will result in difference of psychological contract of staffs. A cross-cultural comparative study is conducted on the differences of psychological contract between Chinese and American staffs, which can help the crosscultural organization to take effective management measures of human resource, to establish harmonious enterprise culture, to effectively regulate behavior of employees, to reduce the cost of contracts, and to improve cohesiveness and work efficiency. The cross cultural comparison includes the content of contract, value identity, value orientation, and breach cost, etc. During the process of human resource management, it is not wise to blindly refer to foreign management methods, but to root it on local culture and establish a psychological contract management system that takes emotion as the ligament, communication as the key, and development as the guarantee.