
International Competition & Industry Safety
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  • International Competition & Industry Safety
    MENG Xiang-ming, WANG Yu-meng
    Journal of Shenyang University of Technology (Social Science Edition). 2023, 16(3): 235-244.
    With the promotion of world economic integration, improving and eliminating the “trade inefficiency” phenomenon and improving the level of trade facilitation have attracted the attention of all countries. Based on the panel data of 30 trading partner countries from 2012 to 2019, a comprehensive evaluation system of trade facilitation level is built, and the expanded gravity model is used to explore the impact of trade facilitation level of trade partner countries on the cross-border e-commerce exports of China. The regression results show that the trade facilitation level of trade partner countries is positively correlated with the cross-border e-commerce exports of China. ICT indicators are the most important indicators that affect cross-border e-commerce exports. The customs environment and financial development level have an important impact, but infrastructure plays a very limited role in cross-border e-commerce exports.
  • International Competition & Industry Safety
    GAO Xin, DONG Zhao-yan
    Journal of Shenyang University of Technology (Social Science Edition). 2023, 16(3): 245-253.
    The price index, institutional environment and import tariff data of 10 commodities are selected and matched from 31 province-level regions in mainland China from 1994 to 2018. Based on trade liberalization, the effect of tariff reduction on consumer welfare and the impact of institutional environment on tariff transmission mechanism are studied from both theoretical and empirical aspects. The results show that: tariff reduction can significantly improve consumer welfare, but this incomplete transmission effect is affected by the institutional environment; the optimization of institutional environment can promote the tariff transmission mechanism, especially for general consumer goods; the effect of institutional environment on tariff transmission mechanism is different between coastal areas and inland areas, which is mainly reflected in that the optimization of institutional environment plays a more significant role in promoting tariff transmission in coastal areas.
  • International Competition & Industry Safety
    ZHANG Chi, GU Qian-qian
    Journal of Shenyang University of Technology (Social Science Edition). 2023, 16(2): 121-128.
    Actively expanding emerging markets is an important choice under the background of promoting the diversification of the Chinese foreign trade market. It is found that the Chinese export of mechanical and electrical products to most emerging market countries has great potential and room for improvement by measuring the efficiency, potential and influencing factors of export. Based on that, the export layout of the mechanical and electrical products of China should be optimized and the markets of emerging countries should be actively expanded. On the basis of promoting the establishment and construction of FTA with such countries, strengthening communication and coordination between governments, building a diversified, multi-level and multi-channel bilateral or multilateral cooperation platform, and accelerating the promotion of connectivity, taking the construction of soft channels as a new means, Internet and digital technology are focused on promoting trade model innovation.
  • International Competition & Industry Safety
    MENG Xiang-ming, ZHAO Mei-yue
    Journal of Shenyang University of Technology (Social Science Edition). 2023, 16(2): 129-141.
    Agricultural product trade is an important part of international trade. With the development of cross-border e-commerce, the research on the efficiency and potential of cross-border e-commerce trade of agricultural products has become increasingly important. From the perspective of network development level, customs clearance efficiency and logistics efficiency, the principal component analysis method is used to calculate the cross-border e-commerce development index of 33 countries that have close contact with China in agricultural trade from 2010 to 2019; taken the cross-border e-commerce development index as the core variable, the stochastic frontier gravity model is introduced for empirical analysis. The results show that the development of cross-border e-commerce in various countries is extremely unbalanced; the per capita GDP of both trading parties and the level of cross-border e-commerce development of importing countries can promote the cross-border e-commerce export of agricultural products, while the distance between countries can hinder it. The cross-border e-commerce export trade of agricultural products of China with countries in the Middle East, Africa and Europe is inefficient and has great potential value; the trade efficiency of cross-border e-commerce export of agricultural products of China with Japan and the United States is high. Finally, countermeasures and suggestions are put forward in improving infrastructure construction, strengthening professional talent training, and promoting the construction of free trade zones, etc.
  • QIU Ai-lian,LI Zhan
    Journal of Shenyang University of Technology. 2022, 15(5): 390-400.
    Digital trade is playing a more and more important role in international trade. According to the current situation of global digital trade, analyzing the current situation and main problems of the digital trade of China is of great significance to promote the development of the digital trade of China. The current situation of global digital trade is firstly analyzed by using the actual data. The development characteristics of the digital trade of China are explored through comparative analysis. The main problems existing in the digital trade of China are pointed out, and the causes of these problems are expounded. Finally, the strategies suitable for the development of the digital trade in China are given by combining the development of digital trade at home with that at abroad.
  • MA Jun,ZHANG Ping-dong
    Journal of Shenyang University of Technology. 2022, 15(5): 401-406.
    In view of consumer risk aversion behavior, a network equilibrium model is constructed for the cross-border e-commerce B2C supply chain. The equilibrium condition of supply chain network is expressed by variational inequality, and the optimal behavior of different decision levels is analyzed, so that the whole product supply chain network is balanced, and a more efficient operation mechanism is given. At the same time, numerical examples are used to analyze the impact of different consumer risk aversion levels on the flow and transaction prices of the whole supply chain network equilibrium, and countermeasures and suggestions are put forward.
  • WANG Ling,GUO Ting-ting
    Journal of Shenyang University of Technology. 2022, 15(4): 322-330.
    After eight years of negotiation, RCEP was officially signed in 2020. The major historical event will have a significant impact on the capital flow within the RCEP. The new economic geography research method is adopted to construct a trade and capital return model covering three economies. The impact of labor costs-one of the causes of the difference of human capital-on capital flows is obtained by analyzing the changes of capital gains of enterprises in each economy after the RCEP is reached. It concludes as follows:Reaching RCEP will reduce the inflow of capital to ASEAN and China in some industries with fierce market competition and low wages but may increase the inflows to developed countries such as Japan, Korea, Australia and New Zealand. As for industries with higher technical threshold and higher wages, the inflow of capital to countries with large-scale market and low wages will be slightly weakened, while the inflow of capital to countries with small-scale market and high wages will be increased. According to it, policy suggestions are proposed on how to better deal with the changes of FDI inflow and to optimize the investment structure.
  • WEI Jing-fu,YIN Yi-xuan
    Journal of Shenyang University of Technology. 2022, 15(4): 331-341.
    The six countries of the Greater Mekong Sub-region(GMS)are geographically adjacent and complementary in resources. As early as the 1990s, they had conducted in-depth exchanges and cooperation through multiple economic integration organizations. However, the economic development of GMS countries is not balanced at present. How to improve and increase the effect of economic integration to seek a common way out for economic growth in GMS countries has become an urgent problem to be solved. Based on the Greater Mekong Sub-region Economic Cooperation Mechanism(GMSECP), the Feasible Generalized Least Squares(FGLS)method is used to analyze the economic growth effects and interaction of the six GMS countries joining GMS economic integration and other regional economic integration organizations. As the results show, the coordinated economic integration of GMS significantly promotes the economic growth of member countries; The promotion effect of the six GMS countries joining other regional economic integration organizations on economic growth appears in the third year, and the economic growth effect of GMS economic integration is further strengthened; However, due to the uncertainty of related social issues, electricity production and national health investment in GMS may even restrain the economic growth of the member countries. According to the results, the suggestions for the construction and development are provided for GMSECP from three aspects: adjusting the arrangement of priority of cooperation areas, strengthening the external contact and communication, and preventing the spaghetti bowl effect.
  • WEI Jing-fu,ZHANG Jia-xu
    Journal of Shenyang University of Technology. 2022, 15(1): 27-35.
    From the perspective of global value chain, the measurement and analysis of digital service trade between China and Japan can avoid the errors caused by repeated trade statistics, and can truly reflect the trade scale and competitiveness of the two countries in the new trade mode of digital service trade. The comparative analysis between China and Japan is made by selecting the data of World Input-Output Database 2016(WIOD 2016)and using the latest value-added decomposition method and value-added related measurement indicators. It is concluded that the growth rate, scale and participation in the global value chain of the digital service trade of China are higher than those of Japan, but the Japanese position in the global value chain is higher than that of China. Policy suggestions are proposed accordingly to improve the system and supervision, build an international statistical accounting system, and improve the industrial international competitiveness, etc.
  • ZHANG Chi,GU Qian-qian
    Journal of Shenyang University of Technology. 2022, 15(1): 36-45.
    In recent years, trade relations are closer between China and Japan with Russian Far East Federal District. In order to judge the trade relations of China and Japan with Russian Far East Federal District, basis should be provided in deepening regional economic cooperation in Northeast Asia. Taking 2010—2019 as the investigation period, trade relations of China and Japan with Russian Far East Federal District are analyzed using the related trade calculation index. It shows that the two countries both play an important role in the Russian Far East market, but their competition is gradually increasing. The trade relations are mainly based on the comparative advantage determined by their respective factor endowments, the trade relationship between them is not stable inherently. Therefore, both China and Japan should actively promote third market cooperation in Russian Far East Federal District, which should focus on the industries with highly complementary and strong competitive relationship, such as manufacturing industry, energy industry, agriculture industry, etc. The three countries should strengthen the construction of trade and investment facilitation together.
  • WANG Ling,LIU Rui-qing
    Journal of Shenyang University of Technology. 2021, 14(5): 408-414.
    Singapore is an important emerging industrial economy in Asia, an important member of ASEAN and an important signatory of RCEP. In the context of promoting “Belt and Road” constantly, it is of great practical significance to comprehensively study all around Sino-Singapore trade relations. The trade relationship between China and Singapore is analyzed multi-dimensionally by constructing macro-indicators, and extended trade gravity model is introduced to provide empirical analysis and interpretation from macro- and industrial perspectives. The results indicate that both China and Singapore identify no remarkable sensitive trade industries in their exports, while some industries have reciprocal or unilateral dependence; the scale of Chinese economic outcome has significant impact on Sino-Singapore trade, and there exists an imbalance problem in the structure of trade complementary between China and Singapore. Accordingly, suggestions are proposed that China should strengthen political and economic consultation with Singapore, promote the rationalization of trade structure, seize the opportunity of RCEP to promote bilateral trade demand, so as to better promote the deepening of bilateral trade cooperation between China and Singapore.
  • QIU Ai-lian,PEI Pei,YUAN Feng
    Journal of Shenyang University of Technology. 2021, 14(5): 415-422.
    The opening of the Sino-European freight train transportation has greatly promoted the development of Sino-EU trade. After the outbreak of COVID-19 Pandemic, Chinese foreign trade has been affected to varying degrees via ocean shipping and air freight transportations. The trade related to Sino-European freight train transportation has been able to achieve the growth through its higher transport efficiency and lower cost advantage in the context of global recession. It has greatly promoted the sustained and rapid growth of the total volume of Sino-European trade, and also promoted the trade exchanges between China and countries and regions along the Road and Belt. Based on the analysis of the economic and trade data of the Sino-European freight train transportation, an in-depth study is made on the issues and causes of Sino-European freight train trade, and suggestions are proposed on how to make better use of the Sino-European freight train transportation to promote Sino-European trade so as to push the Sino-European trade to a new stage.
  • CAI Dong-dong,SUN Yu-tong,YANG Ling,FENG Rong-kai
    Journal of Shenyang University of Technology. 2021, 14(5): 423-429.
    The uncertainty of Sino-US trade policy and enterprise technological innovation behavior are analyzed by using the double difference method. The results show that: the increase of trade policy uncertainty significantly improves the performance of enterprise technological innovation; the increase of total profit, cash flow and the acceleration of depreciation of fixed assets will positively affect the technological innovation behavior of enterprises; the rising uncertainty of trade policy can affect the technological innovation behavior of enterprises by improving the R&D ability of new products and the profitability of export enterprises; financing constraints are not the channel for trade policy uncertainty to affect technological innovation behavior of enterprises.
  • WANG Ling,XU Yi
    Journal of Shenyang University of Technology. 2021, 14(2): 125-133.
    In order to study the export trade of China to ASEAN, the HS six-digit code data of UN COMTRADE database are used to calculate the binary margin of export trade based on HK decomposition method. The influence factors of the binary boundary are analyzed by the extended gravity model. The Poisson pseudo maximum likelihood(PPML)method is used to ensure the robustness of the results. The conclusion shows that the Chinese export to ASEAN mainly grows along the intensive margin, and the expanded margin contributes more to the export of manufacturing industry. The size of the Chinese economy and the signing of agreement of China-Singapore Free Trade Area promote the binary margin, but the size of the ASEAN economy and the degree of trade freedom hinder the growth of the binary margin.
  • ZHANG Ping,SONG Rui-hui,WANG Jun-yuan
    Journal of Shenyang University of Technology. 2021, 14(2): 134-143.
    Taking the literature on community policy research in Web of Science SSCI sub-database from 1975 to 2018 as an analysis sample, the panoramic appearance of community policy research of foreign scholars is shown through knowledge map by applying visual data mining software CiteSpaceV. It mainly includes keywords co-occurrence analysis, co-occurrence analysis of national cooperation, co-occurrence analysis of scientific research institutions, and co-occurrence analysis of scientific fields. The research finds that:the research fields of community policy abroad include four aspects of research on community health policy, research on community care policy, research on community education policy, and community policy evaluation; The USA, UK, Australia and Canada are concentrated in the field of community policy research; The cooperative network of scientific research institutions takes colleges and universities as absolute subject, and has not yet formed a mature cooperative system, in which central scientific research institution has not yet appeared; The research method is mainly quantitative research, especially researches related to community policy evaluation; The main fields involved in community policy research are public administration, government and law, health care science, ecological environment science, and politics, etc.
  • LUO Dan-cheng,LI Qiong,WANG Wei
    Journal of Shenyang University of Technology. 2021, 14(1): 22-27.
    According to the changes of Chinese FDI scale and regional conditions from 2008 to 2017, it is explored how the political risks of host countries affect Chinese OFDI. The 105 sample countries are selected, the basic hypothesis is put forward and the model is constructed, and the appropriate explanatory variables, explained variables and control variables are used for empirical analysis. The empirical results show that the Chinese foreign direct investment tends to flow into countries or regions with high political risk, and the market size of host country is positively related to the Chinese foreign direct investment flow. The three reasons of empirical result is contrary to hypothesis are analyzed, and feasible suggestions for the government and enterprises are put forward.
  • GUO Jian-quan,ZHANG Meng-ke
    Journal of Shenyang University of Technology. 2021, 14(1): 28-34.
    Since the Belt and Road initiative was put forward, infrastructure construction has always been a priority area in China’s construction. Based on the panel data of the countries along the Belt and Road from 2007 to 2018, the relationship is analyzed among green logistics and environment, economic growth by using the dynamic panel Generalized Method of Moments(GMM). The research reveals that the fossil fuel consumption is at the heart of logistics operations, and the more the fossil fuel is used, the more the negative effects it has on environmental sustainability. Green logistics in the Belt and Road countries is negatively correlated with fossil fuel energy consumption and per capita carbon emissions. Meanwhile, it can also bring more export opportunities and increase per capita national income in these countries. Therefore, the development of green logistics will have great significance on the sustainable development of environment and economy of the countries along the Belt and Road.
  • WANG Ling,ZHANG Mei
    Journal of Shenyang University of Technology. 2020, 13(6): 491-497.
    In order to study the influencing factors of the fluctuations of the Chinese export status of mechanical and electrical products to Vietnam from 1997 to 2017, CMS model is used to analyze the influencing factors of Chinese export trade fluctuation of mechanical and electrical products to Vietnam in four stages. The results show that the contribution of structural effect to the export growth of mechanical and electrical products to Vietnam increases gradually, and the increase of Vietnamese demand for mechanical and electrical products has become the most important factor to promote export since 2009. The competitiveness effect and cross-effect have a relatively smaller contribution to the export of the mechanical and electrical products to Vietnam, and the trend continues to decline, which restricts the export in the later period. The Vietnamese competitiveness of several kinds of mechanical and electrical products with fast demand growth is improved slowly.
  • BIN Hou,,MA Quan-cheng,WANG Huan-fang,ZHANG Wei-kang,HU Qin-fang
    Journal of Shenyang University of Technology. 2020, 13(6): 498-505.
    On the basis of verifying the relative effectiveness of R index, spatial Gini coefficient, Herfindahl-Hirschman index and EG index, R index is used to calculate the agglomeration level of energy-saving and environmental protection industries in China from 2008 to 2016, including the whole China, six major regions and 31 provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities, and the suggestions are put forward on optimizing the structure of energy-saving and environmental protection industries in combination with the agglomeration level of energy-saving and environmental protection industries in various regions. The results show that the distribution of energy-saving and environmental protection industries in China is relatively close, and the concentration level is increasing year by year. The agglomeration phenomenon in East China is obvious, and the agglomeration level is far ahead of other regions and continues to improve. The phenomenon of agglomeration is obvious in the central and southern regions, but the level of agglomeration is decreasing year by year. The distribution of North China is relatively close, and the growth rate of agglomeration level is lower than that of the whole country. The northeast, southwest and northwest regions are scattered, with a low concentration level and a small decline. There are great differences in the agglomeration level of energy-saving and environmental protection industries among provinces and cities, which can be divided into four categories:leading area, middle and upper area, middle area and backward area.
  • WEI Jing-fu,DONG Chen-chen,TANG Qiao
    Journal of Shenyang University of Technology. 2020, 13(5): 396-408.
    Based on the bilateral investment and trade volume between China and Russia in the years of 2003 to 2017, the influences of bilateral investment between China and Russia on trade effects of home country are analyzed by means of co-integration test, error correction model(ECM)and vector auto-regression(VAR)model. The results show that in the long run, Chinese investment in Russia brings about trade-creating effect, which is obviously positive to bilateral trade volume, while Russian investment in China causes a substitution effect on bilateral trade. In the short term, the bilateral investment between China and Russia has no dynamic relationship with bilateral trade. There is a long-term equilibrium relationship between Chinese export of low-tech and high-tech finished products to Russia and its investment in Russia, and between the import of primary manufactured goods, resource-based manufactured goods, medium-tech manufactured goods from Russia and its investment. Russian export of primary manufactured goods to China, the import and export of low-tech and medium-tech manufactured goods, the import of resource-based manufactured goods and high-tech manufactured goods have a long-term equilibrium relationship with Russian investment in China.
  • QIU Ai-lian,HU Qing-yu,WANG Wei,PANG Hong-mei
    Journal of Shenyang University of Technology. 2020, 13(5): 409-416.
    Using Malmquist index analysis method based on data envelopment analysis(DEA), the total factor productivity(TFP)index of the manufacturing industry in China in 2003—2016 is calculated and the result is analyzed. The theoretical basis is also expounded of processing trade affecting the TFP of manufacturing industry. A model based on Cobb-Douglas production function is built, and an empirical study is provided on the impact of processing trade on the TFP of manufacturing industry in China with the Stata software. It is pointed out that the processing trade in China can significantly improve the TFP of the manufacturing industry; the key to promoting the TFP of the manufacturing industry by processing trade is that the import of processing trade can significantly promote the scale efficiency of the manufacturing industry; the promotion effect of the number of processing trade practitioners on the technical efficiency of the manufacturing industry is more significant than the promotion effect of the technical progress of the manufacturing industry in China.
  • GUAN Jing-qi
    Journal of Shenyang University of Technology. 2020, 13(4): 289-296.
    Ireland is a typical small open economy, and has completed the evolution from “European countryside” to “Celtic Tiger” in only half a century, while has become a “European Pig” country in the financial tsunami. The gains and losses of Ireland in the process of becoming a Celtic Tiger are comprehensively analyzed, and the hidden risks are discussed of real estate bubble, the over loose credit policy, and the over reliance on international financial market in the process of development. Policy suggestions are proposed, in order to provide reference for China's economic construction.
  • CHEN Ke,LI Yun-qi
    Journal of Shenyang University of Technology. 2020, 13(4): 297-303.
    The data of treasury bonds of different maturity in USA, Europe and Japan from 2007 to 2015 are selected as samples. Empirical study on term structure of static interest rate is conducted by applying Nelson-Siegel model(NS model). And the optimization strategy of term structure of China’s foreign exchange reserve investment is analyzedby taking USA treasury securities as example. The result shows that:China should increase the proportion of short-term USA treasury securities in 2007, and keep increasing the proportion of short-term USA treasury securities and reducing the long-term ones in 2008. From 2010, the proportion of short-term USA treasury securities should be reduced and the long-term ones should be increased. From 2013 to 2015, the holdings of short-term USA treasury securities and treasury inflation-protected securities(TIPS)should be increased, while the treasury securities with long remaining period should be sold, and the investment in real estate, stocksand corporate bonds should be enhanced, in order to reduce the proportion of USA treasury securities.
  • ZHANG Chi,WANG Xiao-ying
    Journal of Shenyang University of Technology. 2020, 13(3): 206-211.
    The extended gravity model is used to analyze the potential of the Chinese agricultural exports to BRICS countries from the perspective of trade facilitation, and in particular to find the impact of different indicators of trade facilitation on the Chinese agricultural exports to BRICS countries. It shows that the trade facilitation level has significant impact on the realization of the export potential of the Chinese agricultural products among the selected indictors. Russia has the biggest potential for China to expand the export of agricultural products. China should focus on improving customs environment and port facilities to promote the export of agricultural products to BRICS countries. In expanding the Chinese agricultural exports to South Africa and India, the main focus should be on e-commerce and customs efficiency, while the improvement of port facilities in Russia and Brazil is more conducive to the realization of of the Chinese agricultural export potential.
  • LI Yi,WANG Qiao,LU Mei-cen
    Journal of Shenyang University of Technology. 2020, 13(3): 212-218.
    In recent years, the rapid development of cross-border e-commerce in China has deepened the impact on the economic growth of various provinces. Since the development of cross-border e-commerce in Liaoning Province started late and the facilitating environment needs to be improved, how to promote the development of cross-border e-commerce in Liaoning Province has become an important proposition. Therefore, measuring the status quo of the coordinated development of cross-border e-commerce in Liaoning Province has the significances of real practice and important theory for understanding and improving the development of cross-border e-commerce in Liaoning Province. Based on the theory of synergy, the components of cross-border e-commerce and the relationship between elements are analyzed. By using the compound system coordination degree algorithm, the orders of the cross-border e-commerce market system, logistics system, industrial system and policy system of Liaoning Province are calculated from 2010 to 2016, so as to measure the synergy degree of cross-border e-commerce in Liaoning Province. The results show that between 2010 and 2016 in Liaoning Province, the cross-border e-commerce has a lower overall synergy, but the market development is in good condition and has positive development prospects; the transportation and logistics conditions can meet the needs of the active development of cross-border e-commerce, but the development of various related industries is sluggish, which seriously hinders the development of cross-border e-commerce; the governmental financial investment is hard to meet the requirement of the cross-border e-commerce development, and there are differences among the various subsystems, which need more policies to promote the development of cross-border e-commerce in Liaoning Province.
  • LI Yuan,LI Meng-jia,FENG Rong-kai
    Journal of Shenyang University of Technology. 2020, 13(2): 119-124.
    As a carrier, foreign direct investment(FDI)spreads the factors to different countries, so that the production of each product is no longer limited within a certain country, and therefore FDI impacts the degree of the embedding of a country in the global value chain. In order to explore the impact of outward foreign direct investment(OFDI)on the Chinese global value chain embedding, the empirical analysis is carried out to verify the relationship between the two. And the results show that OFDI has positive industry adjustment effect and technology reverse spillover effect on the Chinese global value chain embedding. In order to promote the upgrading of the Chinese global value chain more effectively, proposals are suggested such as encouraging enterprises to “go global”, implementing innovation-driven strategy, and accelerating the cultivation of the talents in cutting-edge and sophisticated technologies.
  • ZHANG Shi-qi,GUO Jian-quan
    Journal of Shenyang University of Technology. 2020, 13(2): 125-133.
    The data of Asia and Africa countries along Belt and Road from 2007 to 2016 are selected, and Structural Equation Model(SEM)is used to analyze the impacts of transportation infrastructure quality and logistics performance of countries along Belt and Road on the economic growth of China, which takes import and export trade as intermediary factor. The study has found that the improvements of quality of railway and port infrastructures in most countries along Belt and Road have more significant positive effect on the economic growth of China through the intermediary effect of import and export trade. Furthermore, the countries are divided into developed and developing economies, and multiple group SEM analysis is exerted, which show that it is very important of developing economies to continuously improve the quality of port infrastructure. It can benefit the improvement of logistics performance, and promote the increase of trade volume, as well as has significant impact on the economic growth of China. However, this kind of connection gradually weakened along with the increase of per capita GDP in those countries. In addition, on the positive function on economic growth of China through increasing the frequency of trade with China by improving logistics performance, the developed economies are obviously doing better than developing economies are.
  • QIN Li-xuan,WANG Zi-yao
    Journal of Shenyang University of Technology. 2020, 13(1): 26-32.
    The Belt and Road initiative is a platform for friendly cooperation of political mutual trust, economic integration and cultural inclusiveness among the countries along the line, in which the cooperation between think tanks plays a role as a lubricant and a propeller. India is a big country that cannot be ignored along Belt and Road and one of the most important neighbors of China. The think tanks of India and China have embarked on an unusual development path, and strengthening cooperation and achieving win-win results are the general trend. The think tank cooperation between China and India faces important historical opportunities, i.e., the friendly exchanges between the two sides have a long history, the people to people exchanges are deepening, the think tanks are gathering high-end talents, and there is an urgent need for authoritative opinions. And the challenges brought by the impact of third-party forces and uncertainties, lack of institutional constraints and independence, and weak voice of international influence need to be addressed. It is proposed to promote the sustainable development of think tank cooperation between China and India and create a friendly and cooperative atmosphere between think tanks of the two countries by strengthening political mutual trust and exchange, focusing on the cultivation of international influence of think tanks, and building and sharing academic platforms and research results.
  • LU Xi,ZHENG Jing-ying
    Journal of Shenyang University of Technology. 2020, 13(1): 33-39.
    Recycling has become an important way for enterprises to reduce costs and fulfill their social responsibilities. Taking the dynamic closed-loop supply chain system composed of manufacturers and retailers as the research object, the differential game theories are used to explore the influence of fair concern behavior on the decision-making of the supply chain members. By constructing the linear differential equation of recovery rate, the utility function of supply chain members and HJB equation, the optimal wholesale price, the optimal sales price and the optimal profit of supply chain members under the mode of fair concern of manufacturers and responsibility of retailers for recycling waste products are studied. Finally, the parameter sensitivity analysis is carried out. The results show that the fairness concerns of manufacturers are inversely proportional to the system recovery rate and the recovery efforts of retailers, and directly proportional to the wholesale price and retail price.
  • WANG Bai-hui
    Journal of Shenyang University of Technology. 2019, 12(6): 495-504.
    The issues of law attribution of responsibility of international organizations and member states have always been the discussing subject of international law. As one category of identity of international law, intergovernmental international organizations should bear the law responsibility independently. But in practice, the legal personality of international organizations is often abused by the member states in the process of implementing the resolutions of international organizations. The behavior is not only the embodiment of legal personality of international organizations, but also represents their own wills of the member states, which leads to the vague attribution of legal liability. Taking such controversial situations as the object of study, the relevant judgments of some cases are combined, namely, the case of Legality of Use of Force in 1999, the Behrami/Saramati case and Al-Jedda case of European Court of Human Rights in 2007, and the case of Srebrenica v. the Netherlands of Hague Court in 2014, as well as related researches of foreign scholars in recent years. It is believed that the multiple law attribution of responsibility of international organizations and member states should be adhered to. Centered on the establishment process of principle of multiple law attribution of responsibility, the relationship between attribution of behavior and attribution of responsibility is clarified through analyzing relevant provisions of the Draft Articles on Responsibility of International Organization in 2011. Only after the attribution of behavior is determined, can the law attribution of responsibility be determined. In order to finally determine the multiple law attribution of responsibility, it is proposed that the attribution of behavior should be recognized by standard of effective control, and clarified that the effective control is the factual control of specific behavior.